Friday, 23 December 2011

#14. atomic bomb nanaimo, B.C., Canada

dear real estate workers: and all other people

this is a true report about how "Real Estate" becomes of no
value once it has been exposed to "True Atomic Compounds"

Real Estate becomes totally of no value and in all cases a burden
to society once it has been exposed to True Atomic Compounds

now a little change here: i hope that you and other interested
                                     people will be able to get this report
                                     from your nearest Real Estate Store
                                     in the near future

also this report is written to help Mental Health Hospitals and All Types
of Hospitals to more clearly understand the very serious trouble that does
happen to people once the people have been hurt by True Atomic Compounds

for example the human body can literally fall apart once it has been exposed to
True Atomic Compounds

for example: human mental health can be very seriously ruined once the person
                   has been exposed to True Atomic Compounds

1. this report can be applied to the whole world in general. It is about
    Atomic Problems that have happened
2. this report actually pin-points some of this problem to a certain location
3. this report deals with the problem of very bad Real Estate
    prices being charged to buyers of Real Estate through-out
    the world in general
4. this report is honest about the true value Real Estate has
    and how to be honest to the public about this Atomic Problem
    that does "Totally Ruin Real Estate Values"
5. this report also will tell you how to deal with this Atomic
    Problem with The Real Estate Values by simply joining
    ourselves, yourselves, together in groups and fighting
    politically in various ways to promote Truth and Right in
    honest dealings with The Real Estate Sales Values

a word of warning
I give you a word of warning right here
and it is
because I am in The White House
I have very great influence
in doing public things
a good word here
let's do Real Estate Values on the up and up
saying this another way
let's do Real Estate Values honestly
especially when dealing with Atomic Polluted Land

these explanations of Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary
are to be held in direct oppossite example against the wrong way
that a lot of what is called "Real Estate" in British Columbia,
Canada and other places on the earth, where the properties, the
houses, the trees are evilly corrupted and falsely represented

this report is about the true meaning of "Real Estate'
THE TRUE VALUE of "Real Estate"
"Real Estate" that has an actual TRUE VALUE in money currency
of today

Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary
real estate: land, including whatever is made part of or
                         attached to it by man or nature, as trees
                         houses, etc.

this very important dictionary explanation of words properly
understood is differently applied to the true value of what is
modernly called "Real Estate:

let us look once again at very important dictionary explanations
of words. These words to properly understood in their proper

The next word is "real"
Funk and Wagmalls Standard Desk Dictionary
real: 1. Having existence or actuality as a
           thing or state.; not imaginary: a real event. 2. not
           artificial or counterfeit; genuine. 3. Representing
           the true or actual, as opposed to the apparent or
           ostensible: the real reason. 4. Unaffected:
           unpretentious; a real person.

the next word is "estate"
Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary
estate: 1. A usu. extensive piece of lands
              property or the residence built on it. 2. One's
              entire property and possessions.

by Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary explanations
THE TRUE meaning behind the words "Real Estate" are
!. something very positive
2. means definitly business with good intentions
3. definitly meaning to deal with purchasers of property etc.
    with proper non-pretentious non-counterfiet but
    genuinly representing the true or and actual value
    of, "real estate", property

the next three notes of this report are about atomic bombs that are in Nanaimo,
British Columbia, Canada. These bombs were designed to have Nanaimo City
as the atomic bomb headquarters


1. this atomic bomb is located right at Malaspina College. Right
    on top of Malaspina Cllage Hill. Right in Nanaimo City.
2. this atomic bomb has been in location for a long time. Since
    about the middle 1950's
3. this atomic bomb is very powerful
4. if this atomic bomb blows up it will definitly blow up Nanaimo
    City. Also Vancouver Island will blow up to pieces and the
    remains of Vancouver Island will be blown out into The
    Pacific Ocean. There will be nothing left of Vancouver Island
    or of the smaller islands around and about Vancouver Island.
    Victoria will be blown away down south and land on top of
    Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
5. this atomic bomb is what is called "an atomic crude"
6. this atomic bomb is called "ana atomic crude" because the
    atomic compounds that make up this bomb are put into a
    certain kind of oil that does not alter the atomic compounds
    in any way and then the atomic compounds and the certain
    kind of oil that the atomic compounds are put into are put
    into storage tanks like gasoline storage tanks at a gas station.
    You might use a different kind of metal to make the gas tanks
    out of though
7. also this kind of all atomic bomb is called "an atomic crude"
    because of the mess that the bomb can make when it is in
    storage before being used
8. also this kind of oil atomic bomb is called "an atomic crude"
    because of the mess that this bomb does make when it blows
    up. It is the biggest mess maker atomic bomb that is known
9. because this atomic bomb is messy in its manufacture and
    messy in its upkeep it has spread itself all over the city of
    Nanaimo and all over the municipality of Nanaimo

please remember:
that atomic compounds are put into a certain kind of oil
in order to make this "ATOMIC CRUDE OIL BOMB"
                         this "ATOMIC CRUDE BOMB"
                         this "ATOMIC CRUDE"

10. the atomic mess got all over Nanaimo City and municipality
      by car tires and people walking it about on their shoes and
      also by the easrth removal and building material, move about,
      when Malaspina College was built. Also the wind and the
      weather helped move the atomic compounds about by wind
      blowing it about and also by rain water washing it about.
      This is just an, one, example: This atomic bomb is located
      right on top of Malaspina College Hill which is located right
      in The City of Nanaimo. The rain simply did just wash the oil
      and atomic compounds in the oil right ddowwn onto the City

      of Nanaimo
11. please remember this: this atomic bomb that is located at Malaspina College
                                is "HUGE" and it does interconnect with another two
                                atomic bombs
12. this atomic bomb set is still there at Malaspina College. It
      makes absolutly no difference if someone does remove the top
      cap of this atomic crude bomb because this bomb has soaked
      atomic compounds right down into the bed rock of Nanaimo
      City itself. It makes little difference now whether or not the
      original atomic bomb is still in place. For certain there has been
      plenty enough leakage from the original atomic bomb to make
      a second atomic bomb. The second atomic bomb that has been
      make from leakage from the first atomic bomb is much larger
      than the first one.It is true though that the first atomic bomb
      is still in place and in very good condition and very explodable
13. how it is known that this atomic crude bomb has leaked
     so very much atomic compounds around is known by the fact
     that this atomic crude bomb had to be topped up about once
     a week to keep the atomic bomb oil holding tanks filled up
     properly. The reason that these atomic oil tanks had to be
     topped up once a week is because the tanks themselves had
     leaks in them and the atomic crude oil leaked out into the
     natural environment. This is how it is known that atomic crude
     oil from this bomb leaked out and went everywhere. This has
     been very carefully proven
14. just think for yourselves how much atomic crude oil was
     spilled at this exact location when this "ATOMIC CRUDE
     BOMB" had to be topped up once a week for a minimum of
     50 years of time. Also the top up itslef was no small. Each
     week it took quite a lot of oil to keep this "ATOMIC CRUDE
     BOMB" topped up. This has been already very carefully
     proven to be the truth The most reliable report is that there
     has been a whole lot of "ATOMIC CRUDE OIL" spilled
     into the natural environment over the last 50 years of time


1. this atomic bomb is located from one end of The Cedar Area
    to the other end of The Cedar Area

    please take note right here:
    this atomic bomb is not 'A CRUDE ATOMIC BOMB" like number one bomb is
    there is a very great diffference in this bomb
    this bomb is what is called a neutron bomb
    this time the atomic compound was put into a gas.
    The gas is in the gaseous state
    Then the gas containing the atomic compound was put into pipes
    that were fit together like a pipe line
2. the pipe line ssig sags all over The Cedar District
3. there is a known 28 miles of neutron bomb pipe filled with
    neutron bomb gas in The Cedar District. This makes The Neutron
    Bomb in The Cedar District "A VERY BIG NEUTRON BOMB"
4. this 28 miles of known pipe of this neutron bomb is "THE KNOWN
    CIRCUMFERENCE" of this neutron bomb
5. there is "A HUGE UNKNOWN CIRCUMFERENCE" "KNOWN" about this
    neutron bomb. Just how big in miles or size of pipe etc. is "THIS UNKNOWN
    CIRCUMFERENCE" no-one knows. This fact does really make this neutron
    bomb a really big one
6. therefore the actual size of this neutron bomb is definitly not completely or even
    near completely understood
7. please remember that this neutron bomb does go all around The Cedar District
    for a known 28 miles

now i want you to think of The Cedar District as the centre of
The Neutron Bomb and should this bomb erxplode then i want
you to think of Seattle in Washington State in The United States
as the outside of the hole that The Cedar District bomb will make
and then the out pushing of the bombs explosion literally blowing
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada at least as far south as Portaland,
Oregon you will get an idea as to how big a Neutron Bomb this
Cedar District bomb really is. This is just what is expected from
The Cedar District Bomb should it blow off by itself

please remember that this singular explosion is the known explosion
that will take place when "THE KNOWN CIRCUMFERENCE" of
this Cedar District Bomb is taken into consideration "ONLY"

i will tell you right now that this Cedar District Bomb is really big

8. also because of "THE UNKNOWN CIRCUMFERENCE" of
    neutron bomb the actual blow off fire power is still unknown
9. because of the proper investigations on this bomb, being work
    done on this bomb, which has brought about wear and tear on
    this bomb, through this work done, unfortunatly, pollution has
    taken place
10. also because of the way that this bomb is made it has definitly
     leaked neutron gas into the natural environment. This neutron
     gas is considered very dangerous
11. this neutron gas is extrmely poisonous and is known to kill
     people very easily

number 3 atomic bomb

1. number 3 atomic bomb is designed to be an atomic bomb in
2. number 3 atomic bomb is classed as an atomic bomb because
    of its huge size
3. if number 3 atomic bomb blew up you will have definitly
    have had a very large atomic bomb explosion
4. number 3 atomic bomb is made like an "ATOMIC CRUDE

please take careful note here"
there is a definite difference in number 3 atomic bomb

5. number 3 atomic bomb is what is called "AN ATOMIC BOMB
6. the actual size of this atomic bomb detonator will surprise you
7. this atomic bomb detonator is liteerally one of the islands
    straight off of Cedar District or just south of The Cedar
    District of Chemanus
8. how this large atomic detonator is maade is the following
9. usually camoflage taactics are necessary so that when you
    are making the atomic detonator you do not come under
    public suspicion
10. for example: you can put atomic compounds that do make up
      the detonator into oil and then spray it all around on the roads
      of an island. People would think that you are just spraying oil
      around on the roads to keep the dust down when in actual fact
      you are spraying the atomic detonator around in oil and letting
     the oil do the job of seeping the atomic compounds into the
      literal rock of the island. The Rock of the island does the job
      of holding the atomic compound detonator material in place
      for the blow up to take place
11. the final preparation of making the detonator is done when
      you pretend to be drilling water wells on the island all over
     the place and then you fill the supposed well holes up with
     atomic detonator explosive aand cap them off to be used at
     a later date for blowing the island as a whole off
12. you first blow off the wells, then the wells blow off the
     detonator island, then the detonator island blows off the
     atomic, neutron bombs nearby

this short additional report is about what kind of explosion will
take place should these three atomic bombs blow up at the same
time. It is obvious that this is exactly what the makers of these
bombs has planned to do. When The White House studied these
bombs in the person of George Jeubin and his associataes  and
it became known what kind of bombs they were dealing with
the truth about this Nanaimo atomic bomb problem became
known. If you just think about the size of detonator that people
built to blow off these bombs with this knowledge alone will
convince you that these bombs were meant to make one very
big explosion  It is also true that these bombs were designed
to be blown off altogether at one time that is they were made
to be blown off all at the same time

1. remember that there is a known size to these bombs and an
    unknown size to them
2. should the known size of these atomic bombs blow off
    together the explosion will be huge
3. i was told by The Whtee House that the mountains of lower
    British Columbia will be blown up and that The City of
    Calgary, Alberta will become a salt water swamp being made
    now the shores of The Pacific Ocean
4. i was told by The White House that The City of Seattle will
    be blown far enough south to land on top of Portland, Oregon
    State, along with Victoria, B.C. landing their on top of
    Portland as well. Therefore Washington State, U.S.A. will be
    laargely blown up away
5. should these three atomic bombs blow up and that does include
    the unknown size of these atomic bombs blow up also the
    explosion will be huge. Very enormous indeed
6. because the unknown size of these three atomic bombs still
    remains unknown the actual size of this one huge explosion
    made by these three atomic bombs blowing up altogether is
    still unknown

Another Nanaimo disaster: this took place about 1981-1982

someone blew up a public park in Nanaimo
whether or not people were in the park when it was blown up or
not in the park when it was blown up i do not know
for certain the atomic bomb did blow the park away

i was shown the park area by George Jeubin
and George briefly explained sto me what had happened
now i forget exactly where the public park had been located
i think that the park was located in North Nanaimo
a good ways from the main road in a back lot area

this is another Nanaimo atomic disaster: this happened about 1982

in North Nanaimo someone put in a mobile home park
someone went to this park just after it was established
and blew it up with an atomic bomb
the atomic bomb disolved the mobile home park and
its people so competely that there was nothing left at
all except a shallow dish shaped piece of ground that
resembled a road pot hole





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