dear real estate workers: and all other people
this is a true report about how "Real Estate" becomes of no
value once it has been exposed to "True Atomic Compounds"
Real Estate becomes totally of no value and in all cases a burden
to society once it has been exposed to True Atomic Compounds
now a little change here: i hope that you and other interested
people will be able to get this report
from your nearest Real Estate Store
in the near future
also this report is written to help Mental Health Hospitals and All Types
of Hospitals to more clearly understand the very serious trouble that does
happen to people once the people have been hurt by True Atomic Compounds
for example the human body can literally fall apart once it has been exposed to
True Atomic Compounds
for example: human mental health can be very seriously ruined once the person
has been exposed to True Atomic Compounds
1. this report can be applied to the whole world in general. It is about
Atomic Problems that have happened
2. this report actually pin-points some of this problem to a certain location
3. this report deals with the problem of very bad Real Estate
prices being charged to buyers of Real Estate through-out
the world in general
4. this report is honest about the true value Real Estate has
and how to be honest to the public about this Atomic Problem
that does "Totally Ruin Real Estate Values"
5. this report also will tell you how to deal with this Atomic
Problem with The Real Estate Values by simply joining
ourselves, yourselves, together in groups and fighting
politically in various ways to promote Truth and Right in
honest dealings with The Real Estate Sales Values
a word of warning
I give you a word of warning right here
and it is
because I am in The White House
I have very great influence
in doing public things
a good word here
let's do Real Estate Values on the up and up
saying this another way
let's do Real Estate Values honestly
especially when dealing with Atomic Polluted Land
these explanations of Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary
are to be held in direct oppossite example against the wrong way
that a lot of what is called "Real Estate" in British Columbia,
Canada and other places on the earth, where the properties, the
houses, the trees are evilly corrupted and falsely represented
this report is about the true meaning of "Real Estate'
THE TRUE VALUE of "Real Estate"
"Real Estate" that has an actual TRUE VALUE in money currency
of today
Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary
real estate: land, including whatever is made part of or
attached to it by man or nature, as trees
houses, etc.
this very important dictionary explanation of words properly
understood is differently applied to the true value of what is
modernly called "Real Estate:
let us look once again at very important dictionary explanations
of words. These words to properly understood in their proper
The next word is "real"
Funk and Wagmalls Standard Desk Dictionary
real: 1. Having existence or actuality as a
thing or state.; not imaginary: a real event. 2. not
artificial or counterfeit; genuine. 3. Representing
the true or actual, as opposed to the apparent or
ostensible: the real reason. 4. Unaffected:
unpretentious; a real person.
the next word is "estate"
Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary
estate: 1. A usu. extensive piece of lands
property or the residence built on it. 2. One's
entire property and possessions.
by Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary explanations
THE TRUE meaning behind the words "Real Estate" are
!. something very positive
2. means definitly business with good intentions
3. definitly meaning to deal with purchasers of property etc.
with proper non-pretentious non-counterfiet but
genuinly representing the true or and actual value
of, "real estate", property
the next three notes of this report are about atomic bombs that are in Nanaimo,
British Columbia, Canada. These bombs were designed to have Nanaimo City
as the atomic bomb headquarters
1. this atomic bomb is located right at Malaspina College. Right
on top of Malaspina Cllage Hill. Right in Nanaimo City.
2. this atomic bomb has been in location for a long time. Since
about the middle 1950's
3. this atomic bomb is very powerful
4. if this atomic bomb blows up it will definitly blow up Nanaimo
City. Also Vancouver Island will blow up to pieces and the
remains of Vancouver Island will be blown out into The
Pacific Ocean. There will be nothing left of Vancouver Island
or of the smaller islands around and about Vancouver Island.
Victoria will be blown away down south and land on top of
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
5. this atomic bomb is what is called "an atomic crude"
6. this atomic bomb is called "ana atomic crude" because the
atomic compounds that make up this bomb are put into a
certain kind of oil that does not alter the atomic compounds
in any way and then the atomic compounds and the certain
kind of oil that the atomic compounds are put into are put
into storage tanks like gasoline storage tanks at a gas station.
You might use a different kind of metal to make the gas tanks
out of though
7. also this kind of all atomic bomb is called "an atomic crude"
because of the mess that the bomb can make when it is in
storage before being used
8. also this kind of oil atomic bomb is called "an atomic crude"
because of the mess that this bomb does make when it blows
up. It is the biggest mess maker atomic bomb that is known
9. because this atomic bomb is messy in its manufacture and
messy in its upkeep it has spread itself all over the city of
Nanaimo and all over the municipality of Nanaimo
please remember:
that atomic compounds are put into a certain kind of oil
in order to make this "ATOMIC CRUDE OIL BOMB"
10. the atomic mess got all over Nanaimo City and municipality
by car tires and people walking it about on their shoes and
also by the easrth removal and building material, move about,
when Malaspina College was built. Also the wind and the
weather helped move the atomic compounds about by wind
blowing it about and also by rain water washing it about.
This is just an, one, example: This atomic bomb is located
right on top of Malaspina College Hill which is located right
in The City of Nanaimo. The rain simply did just wash the oil
and atomic compounds in the oil right ddowwn onto the City
of Nanaimo
11. please remember this: this atomic bomb that is located at Malaspina College
is "HUGE" and it does interconnect with another two
atomic bombs
12. this atomic bomb set is still there at Malaspina College. It
makes absolutly no difference if someone does remove the top
cap of this atomic crude bomb because this bomb has soaked
atomic compounds right down into the bed rock of Nanaimo
City itself. It makes little difference now whether or not the
original atomic bomb is still in place. For certain there has been
plenty enough leakage from the original atomic bomb to make
a second atomic bomb. The second atomic bomb that has been
make from leakage from the first atomic bomb is much larger
than the first one.It is true though that the first atomic bomb
is still in place and in very good condition and very explodable
13. how it is known that this atomic crude bomb has leaked
so very much atomic compounds around is known by the fact
that this atomic crude bomb had to be topped up about once
a week to keep the atomic bomb oil holding tanks filled up
properly. The reason that these atomic oil tanks had to be
topped up once a week is because the tanks themselves had
leaks in them and the atomic crude oil leaked out into the
natural environment. This is how it is known that atomic crude
oil from this bomb leaked out and went everywhere. This has
been very carefully proven
14. just think for yourselves how much atomic crude oil was
spilled at this exact location when this "ATOMIC CRUDE
BOMB" had to be topped up once a week for a minimum of
50 years of time. Also the top up itslef was no small. Each
week it took quite a lot of oil to keep this "ATOMIC CRUDE
BOMB" topped up. This has been already very carefully
proven to be the truth The most reliable report is that there
has been a whole lot of "ATOMIC CRUDE OIL" spilled
into the natural environment over the last 50 years of time
1. this atomic bomb is located from one end of The Cedar Area
to the other end of The Cedar Area
please take note right here:
this atomic bomb is not 'A CRUDE ATOMIC BOMB" like number one bomb is
there is a very great diffference in this bomb
this bomb is what is called a neutron bomb
this time the atomic compound was put into a gas.
The gas is in the gaseous state
Then the gas containing the atomic compound was put into pipes
that were fit together like a pipe line
2. the pipe line ssig sags all over The Cedar District
3. there is a known 28 miles of neutron bomb pipe filled with
neutron bomb gas in The Cedar District. This makes The Neutron
Bomb in The Cedar District "A VERY BIG NEUTRON BOMB"
4. this 28 miles of known pipe of this neutron bomb is "THE KNOWN
CIRCUMFERENCE" of this neutron bomb
5. there is "A HUGE UNKNOWN CIRCUMFERENCE" "KNOWN" about this
neutron bomb. Just how big in miles or size of pipe etc. is "THIS UNKNOWN
CIRCUMFERENCE" no-one knows. This fact does really make this neutron
bomb a really big one
6. therefore the actual size of this neutron bomb is definitly not completely or even
near completely understood
7. please remember that this neutron bomb does go all around The Cedar District
for a known 28 miles
now i want you to think of The Cedar District as the centre of
The Neutron Bomb and should this bomb erxplode then i want
you to think of Seattle in Washington State in The United States
as the outside of the hole that The Cedar District bomb will make
and then the out pushing of the bombs explosion literally blowing
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada at least as far south as Portaland,
Oregon you will get an idea as to how big a Neutron Bomb this
Cedar District bomb really is. This is just what is expected from
The Cedar District Bomb should it blow off by itself
please remember that this singular explosion is the known explosion
that will take place when "THE KNOWN CIRCUMFERENCE" of
this Cedar District Bomb is taken into consideration "ONLY"
i will tell you right now that this Cedar District Bomb is really big
8. also because of "THE UNKNOWN CIRCUMFERENCE" of
neutron bomb the actual blow off fire power is still unknown
9. because of the proper investigations on this bomb, being work
done on this bomb, which has brought about wear and tear on
this bomb, through this work done, unfortunatly, pollution has
taken place
10. also because of the way that this bomb is made it has definitly
leaked neutron gas into the natural environment. This neutron
gas is considered very dangerous
11. this neutron gas is extrmely poisonous and is known to kill
people very easily
number 3 atomic bomb
1. number 3 atomic bomb is designed to be an atomic bomb in
2. number 3 atomic bomb is classed as an atomic bomb because
of its huge size
3. if number 3 atomic bomb blew up you will have definitly
have had a very large atomic bomb explosion
4. number 3 atomic bomb is made like an "ATOMIC CRUDE
please take careful note here"
there is a definite difference in number 3 atomic bomb
5. number 3 atomic bomb is what is called "AN ATOMIC BOMB
6. the actual size of this atomic bomb detonator will surprise you
7. this atomic bomb detonator is liteerally one of the islands
straight off of Cedar District or just south of The Cedar
District of Chemanus
8. how this large atomic detonator is maade is the following
9. usually camoflage taactics are necessary so that when you
are making the atomic detonator you do not come under
public suspicion
10. for example: you can put atomic compounds that do make up
the detonator into oil and then spray it all around on the roads
of an island. People would think that you are just spraying oil
around on the roads to keep the dust down when in actual fact
you are spraying the atomic detonator around in oil and letting
the oil do the job of seeping the atomic compounds into the
literal rock of the island. The Rock of the island does the job
of holding the atomic compound detonator material in place
for the blow up to take place
11. the final preparation of making the detonator is done when
you pretend to be drilling water wells on the island all over
the place and then you fill the supposed well holes up with
atomic detonator explosive aand cap them off to be used at
a later date for blowing the island as a whole off
12. you first blow off the wells, then the wells blow off the
detonator island, then the detonator island blows off the
atomic, neutron bombs nearby
this short additional report is about what kind of explosion will
take place should these three atomic bombs blow up at the same
time. It is obvious that this is exactly what the makers of these
bombs has planned to do. When The White House studied these
bombs in the person of George Jeubin and his associataes and
it became known what kind of bombs they were dealing with
the truth about this Nanaimo atomic bomb problem became
known. If you just think about the size of detonator that people
built to blow off these bombs with this knowledge alone will
convince you that these bombs were meant to make one very
big explosion It is also true that these bombs were designed
to be blown off altogether at one time that is they were made
to be blown off all at the same time
1. remember that there is a known size to these bombs and an
unknown size to them
2. should the known size of these atomic bombs blow off
together the explosion will be huge
3. i was told by The Whtee House that the mountains of lower
British Columbia will be blown up and that The City of
Calgary, Alberta will become a salt water swamp being made
now the shores of The Pacific Ocean
4. i was told by The White House that The City of Seattle will
be blown far enough south to land on top of Portland, Oregon
State, along with Victoria, B.C. landing their on top of
Portland as well. Therefore Washington State, U.S.A. will be
laargely blown up away
5. should these three atomic bombs blow up and that does include
the unknown size of these atomic bombs blow up also the
explosion will be huge. Very enormous indeed
6. because the unknown size of these three atomic bombs still
remains unknown the actual size of this one huge explosion
made by these three atomic bombs blowing up altogether is
still unknown
Another Nanaimo disaster: this took place about 1981-1982
someone blew up a public park in Nanaimo
whether or not people were in the park when it was blown up or
not in the park when it was blown up i do not know
for certain the atomic bomb did blow the park away
i was shown the park area by George Jeubin
and George briefly explained sto me what had happened
now i forget exactly where the public park had been located
i think that the park was located in North Nanaimo
a good ways from the main road in a back lot area
this is another Nanaimo atomic disaster: this happened about 1982
in North Nanaimo someone put in a mobile home park
someone went to this park just after it was established
and blew it up with an atomic bomb
the atomic bomb disolved the mobile home park and
its people so competely that there was nothing left at
all except a shallow dish shaped piece of ground that
resembled a road pot hole
Friday, 23 December 2011
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
#13. The Atomic Bomb in The Dead Sea in The Middle East
Dear Middle East People and of Africa and of The Whole Wide World:
this part of this report deals with a gas problem that does exist in
The Middle East but is unknown. This most serious gas problem
is the result of a Huge Atomic Bomb that was put into The Dead Sea
in the middle 1950's. There is poison gas that leaks from the bomb
and might be the original cause of some of the trouble making that
does exist in The Middle East
i will say this very short in this report here but in some ways i can
stretch this poison gas problem out a mile if i want to
no matter what is investigated and said i am right about poison gas
being released by This Huge Atomic Bomb
the following statement is why i am absolutly right:
1. a leak developed in the bomb
2. the leak was found surfaced and was more of a dangerous leak
than atomic people even thought would happen. These atomic people
were people trained in atomic work
3. it is considered dangerous to approach this pool of atomic
compounds that did leak from the bomb because of poison gas
that rises from the surface of the pool of escaping compounds
4. there was a pool of liquid like atomic compounds made from
the leak, leaks, that did happen to the atomic bomb and from
the surface of this pool of atomic compounds gas does rise
off of and goes drifting around in the winds in all directions
this is sthe absolute truth and no matter what is said after
investigations take place this remains the dangerous truth
why i say this statement is abecause at times people do lie
about investigations
the people who told me this are the very people who put this big
atomic bomb into The Dead Sea
this poison gas leak is only one leak, there have developed many
leaks in this Dead Sea Atomic Bomb
i will write up right here the information about this atomic bomb
as we go along here
1. this leak surfaced not far from the actual location of the atomic bomb
2. this pool of atomic compounds is right near The Dead Sea
3. a hole developed in the atomic bomb and the leaking atomic
compounds found a crack in the rock etc. for escape and did
surface quite nearby
4. this pool of leaking atomic compounds is quite large and can
be found very easily
5. for certain the gas etc. from these leaking atomic compounds
is very dangerous. They are classed very dangerous by the
atomic people who put the atomic bomb into its installation
6. this atomic compound pool is no joke, it is there very real in
life and considered very dangerous
7. i do not understand just how this works over all of the atomic
bomb possibilities. I'll say this first. The leak in the atomic bomb
makes the atomic bomb more dangerous. Whether the danger
is increased when the bomb blows up or while tyhe atomic bomb
remains sitting there i do not know. The leak creates an unbalance
in the atomic bomb and that is why it is said to be more dangerous.
But just where this danger fits in i do not know
8. this pool of leaking atomic compounds was investigated very
carefully and then abandoned because of loss of hope of
correcting this big problem
this atomic gas problem has been leaking and it other ways has been about
the area of The Dead Sea Bomb since the 1950's
this atomic gas does drift about in the winds and does not break down easily
this type of gas does stay about a long time
there will be more than one write up about toxic gas in this report in general
this one is very important because it deals dwith atomic gas itself
iformation about atomic gas was held in secrecy by the military and government
1. there has been a lot of research on types of gas that could
be used in very different types of gas warfare
2. i know that there are many different types of gases in the
world in general
3. i know that there are more types of harmful to man gases
about in the world in general than any government or people
know about and it is because people lock up this knowledge
and call it secret information
i believe that my following statement about atomic gas is correct
because it was told to me by the person and the people who ran
The American Atomic Program
1. atomic gas is lethal to the extreme
2. it is known to be so very deadly that you cannot inhale even
one breath of it or have the gas touch even your hand even
one single time without you running extreme risk for you very
own life
3. atomic gas causes cancer and other related serious diseases
4. atomic gas stays in a cloud all by itself
5. atomic gas does not spread out in the air
6. if winds come along the breeze will just blow a cloud of the
atomic gas about. The atomic gas will move about but will
not break up
7. this quality of atomic gas staying together is considered
extemely dangerous because should wind blow the atomic gas
about the atomic gas remains in the wind all by itself in
the form of its own cloud. Then should it come into contact
with a human being because of its staying together qualities
there is usually enough of a cloud of the atomic gas to kill
the human being off. This cloud of atomic gas can very
easily kill a human being off and also a complete town can
be covered by the atomic gas cloud and killed off just as
8. atomic gas is considered very dangerous to the extreme
another fact about atomic gas is its long life
1. atomic gas stays together in its own cloud form for at least
24 to 28 months of time
2. atomic gas is extemely dangerous for long periods of time
when, after, it is released to the general atmosphere and gets
blown about in its own cloud form with its killing potential for
so long a time
atomic gas is very deadly
atomic gas has a long life expectancy
this part of the report deals with a very long crack in what i
will call "The Continental Rock." That is the actual rock that
is the foundation of the continent
1. anothere leak in the atomic bomb did take place
2. this specific leak travelled very quickly for about 3,000
3. this leak took place in a very short span of time
4. this leak across the continent was investigated very
carefully and then abandoned
5. because of the nature of the crack in "The Continental Rock"
it was believed that the atomic compounds that did leak into
that crack could not be gotten out of the crack in the rock
at all
6. all thought of removal of this atomic compound leak was
completely abandoned
7. there are many dangers in this leak happening
8. for example this leak can bring about water polution
9. for example this leak could release atomic compounds across
large areas of farm lands and polute the land with atomic
compounds and ruin the land for further farm use
also said here: should the atomic bomb go off, that is explode,
the explosion will follow "The Continental Rock Crack" and
explode also along this line fas well. This means a huge explosion
will take place along this "The Continental Rock Crack." This
is very dangerous
this "Continental Rock Crack" is very well known by the atomic
people who installed the atomic bomb. It has been mapped out
very carefully
this "Continental Rock Crack" is considered very dangerous and for
certain the atomic compounds do surface at times and this surfacing
of the atomic compounds is also classed as very dangerous as well
this part of the report deals with a lake
1. this lake was made by another leak from the atomic bomb
2. the lake is an atomic compound leak and is considered
3. i do not know where the lake is located at
but the atomic program who did install this bomb does
know where this lake is located at
4. i do not know the size of the lake
but the atomic program who did install this bomb does
know the size of the lake
this padrt of the report deals with the electrical plant that was
at least partly built at about The Naser Damn
1. the reason why this electricity plant was being built at The
Naser Damn was to fire off the detonators in The Atomic
Bomb that was put into The Dead Sea
there is something involved here that you should ask your own
electrical engineers and explosives engineers
1. the reason that the electrical power plant was being built
all the way away at The Naser Damn was to supply enough
electricity to fire off the atomic detonators of The Dead Sea
Atomic Bomb
2. what your engineers might answer is the following: there is
an electrical energy build up that does take place over the
distance that electricity does travel. It is something along
the same lines of the energy build up with the coil of an
electric motor etc.
3. when you take into consideration that an electrical plant was
being installed at Naser Damn at Naser Lake with all the
electrical poles etc. that would be needed all the way to The
Dead Sea and this and that along with all other equipment
needed to make the long lines of electricity work properly.
For you to understand this electrical set-up in its entiritay
you will start to come to the knowledge as to just how HUGE
The Dead Sea Atomic Bomb really is. If you just sit down for
a minute or two and think about such a huge electrical
installation being put in and all the poles to carry wire
etc. just to fire off detonators you will soon see what i
am talking about. When you realize that people did all this
electrical work just to fire off detonators you will soon
see that The Atomic Bomb Itself must be Huge To The Extreme
i have very limited knowledge about electricity but i do know
that the entire electrical set-up was to operate like the coil
in the distributor of a car that builds up electrical energy
and then fires it through the set of points contacts along the
spark plug wires through the spark plugs into the gas mix in
the car cylinders
this part of the report deals with Nasers Damn
1. Nasers Damn was built improperly
2. it is possible that the cement used to build the damn was
reduced in its quality
3. it is possible also that the damn was built out of atomic
compound polluted rock etc. which was put into the cement
of the damn
4. it is possible dthat the damn was built out of atomic
compounds that can explode which were put into the damn
to ber exploded at a later date
5. also the damn might be a storage box for atomic bombs
no matter what the problem is here it was talked up a lot. The
people i was with talked with each other a lot about The Naser
Damn atomic problem
1. The Nile River might be polluted with atomic compounds, problems
this part of the report deals with The Naser Damn Itself
1. The Naser Damn at Naser Lake might be an Atomic Bomb Itself
2. The Naser Damn might be literally explodable
3. because of the possiblility of Atomic Compounds being put into
The Naser Damn when The Naser Damn was being built The Naser
Damn literally might be explodable
4. The Naser Damn just might be a literal atomic bomb sitting right
there at Naser Lake
when The Naser Damn was being built there were arguements made
about the types of cement being used in making the damn
it is possible to have put atomic bombs into the cement structure
of the damn itself to be blown up at a later date
it is also possible to have put atomic coumpounds of some sort
into the cement and gravel in such a away that these compounds
could be blown up at a later date
also the people in control of The Naser Damn were accused of
at least storing atomic bombs inside the damn itself in rooms
that were made for them
The Naser Damn has been accused as being a great big atomic problem
The Naser Damn has also been accused as being a polution threat
to The Nile River
this part of the report deals with The Nile River
1. because of the over abundant talk about The Nile River
being an atomic compound problem loaded with polution
2. The Nile River might be already poluted
3. because of the talk about The Naser Damn that i have heard
The Nile River might have been poluted at any moment from
the immediate time that The Naser Damn was completed
4. The Nile River might have been poluted during the actual
building time of The Naser Damn
no matter what the problem is here it was talked up a lot. The
people i am with talked with each other a lot about The Naser
Damn atomic problem
this part of the report deals with different types of military gas
1. the large location where this gas was used is The Middle East
in general
2. the people who were attacked were the people named The Bedouin
3. the people who attacked The Bedouin were Middle East People
but they lived in different locations in The Middle East
4. why this attaack against The Bedouin happened was people in
commanding positions classed The Bedouin as a mere vagabond
and unwanted nomad and decided to kill The Bedouin People off
5. how the commanders decided to kill The Bedouin People off was
by using possibly different gases on them and then running over
them with war tanks. This attack was named "Tank Tracking
The Bedouin."
the following is exactly what happened
1. the commanders of the battle tanks would command the tanks to
drive around and around The Bedouin encampment releasing gas
from gas tanks that were fastened to the tanks by trailer hitches.
The gas tanks themselves were loaded onto trailers that the war
battle tanks towed behind them also some battle tanks would
carry the gas tanks on the abattle tanks themselves. The Battle
Tank Commander dof The Middle East did about the same thing
like what happened in The United States Of America in Wild West
Days or on Hollywood Movies when the Indians would ride around
and around a wagon train shooting at the wagon train people as
they rode around and around them
2. remember the gas used might have been different aat times. It
might have been killer gas or knock out gas
3. when the entire Bedouin encampment was lieing down kncoked out
or dead the commanders would then order the tanks to drive over
The Bedouin People and The Bedouin Endcampment crushing
everyone and everything into the earth
4. because of the manner of conversation i was in on and my finding
out just how severely tight the battle tanks were sealed up i do
believe that killer gas was at least one of the types of g as used
on The Bedouin People
5. open vehicles could not have been used because the commanders
and crews would have been hurt with the released gas no mattter
what variety the gas was in this type of fighting
6. they were very well sealed up military tanks that were used to do this with
this part of this report deals with a gas problem that does exist in
The Middle East but is unknown. This most serious gas problem
is the result of a Huge Atomic Bomb that was put into The Dead Sea
in the middle 1950's. There is poison gas that leaks from the bomb
and might be the original cause of some of the trouble making that
does exist in The Middle East
i will say this very short in this report here but in some ways i can
stretch this poison gas problem out a mile if i want to
no matter what is investigated and said i am right about poison gas
being released by This Huge Atomic Bomb
the following statement is why i am absolutly right:
1. a leak developed in the bomb
2. the leak was found surfaced and was more of a dangerous leak
than atomic people even thought would happen. These atomic people
were people trained in atomic work
3. it is considered dangerous to approach this pool of atomic
compounds that did leak from the bomb because of poison gas
that rises from the surface of the pool of escaping compounds
4. there was a pool of liquid like atomic compounds made from
the leak, leaks, that did happen to the atomic bomb and from
the surface of this pool of atomic compounds gas does rise
off of and goes drifting around in the winds in all directions
this is sthe absolute truth and no matter what is said after
investigations take place this remains the dangerous truth
why i say this statement is abecause at times people do lie
about investigations
the people who told me this are the very people who put this big
atomic bomb into The Dead Sea
this poison gas leak is only one leak, there have developed many
leaks in this Dead Sea Atomic Bomb
i will write up right here the information about this atomic bomb
as we go along here
1. this leak surfaced not far from the actual location of the atomic bomb
2. this pool of atomic compounds is right near The Dead Sea
3. a hole developed in the atomic bomb and the leaking atomic
compounds found a crack in the rock etc. for escape and did
surface quite nearby
4. this pool of leaking atomic compounds is quite large and can
be found very easily
5. for certain the gas etc. from these leaking atomic compounds
is very dangerous. They are classed very dangerous by the
atomic people who put the atomic bomb into its installation
6. this atomic compound pool is no joke, it is there very real in
life and considered very dangerous
7. i do not understand just how this works over all of the atomic
bomb possibilities. I'll say this first. The leak in the atomic bomb
makes the atomic bomb more dangerous. Whether the danger
is increased when the bomb blows up or while tyhe atomic bomb
remains sitting there i do not know. The leak creates an unbalance
in the atomic bomb and that is why it is said to be more dangerous.
But just where this danger fits in i do not know
8. this pool of leaking atomic compounds was investigated very
carefully and then abandoned because of loss of hope of
correcting this big problem
this atomic gas problem has been leaking and it other ways has been about
the area of The Dead Sea Bomb since the 1950's
this atomic gas does drift about in the winds and does not break down easily
this type of gas does stay about a long time
there will be more than one write up about toxic gas in this report in general
this one is very important because it deals dwith atomic gas itself
iformation about atomic gas was held in secrecy by the military and government
1. there has been a lot of research on types of gas that could
be used in very different types of gas warfare
2. i know that there are many different types of gases in the
world in general
3. i know that there are more types of harmful to man gases
about in the world in general than any government or people
know about and it is because people lock up this knowledge
and call it secret information
i believe that my following statement about atomic gas is correct
because it was told to me by the person and the people who ran
The American Atomic Program
1. atomic gas is lethal to the extreme
2. it is known to be so very deadly that you cannot inhale even
one breath of it or have the gas touch even your hand even
one single time without you running extreme risk for you very
own life
3. atomic gas causes cancer and other related serious diseases
4. atomic gas stays in a cloud all by itself
5. atomic gas does not spread out in the air
6. if winds come along the breeze will just blow a cloud of the
atomic gas about. The atomic gas will move about but will
not break up
7. this quality of atomic gas staying together is considered
extemely dangerous because should wind blow the atomic gas
about the atomic gas remains in the wind all by itself in
the form of its own cloud. Then should it come into contact
with a human being because of its staying together qualities
there is usually enough of a cloud of the atomic gas to kill
the human being off. This cloud of atomic gas can very
easily kill a human being off and also a complete town can
be covered by the atomic gas cloud and killed off just as
8. atomic gas is considered very dangerous to the extreme
another fact about atomic gas is its long life
1. atomic gas stays together in its own cloud form for at least
24 to 28 months of time
2. atomic gas is extemely dangerous for long periods of time
when, after, it is released to the general atmosphere and gets
blown about in its own cloud form with its killing potential for
so long a time
atomic gas is very deadly
atomic gas has a long life expectancy
this part of the report deals with a very long crack in what i
will call "The Continental Rock." That is the actual rock that
is the foundation of the continent
1. anothere leak in the atomic bomb did take place
2. this specific leak travelled very quickly for about 3,000
3. this leak took place in a very short span of time
4. this leak across the continent was investigated very
carefully and then abandoned
5. because of the nature of the crack in "The Continental Rock"
it was believed that the atomic compounds that did leak into
that crack could not be gotten out of the crack in the rock
at all
6. all thought of removal of this atomic compound leak was
completely abandoned
7. there are many dangers in this leak happening
8. for example this leak can bring about water polution
9. for example this leak could release atomic compounds across
large areas of farm lands and polute the land with atomic
compounds and ruin the land for further farm use
also said here: should the atomic bomb go off, that is explode,
the explosion will follow "The Continental Rock Crack" and
explode also along this line fas well. This means a huge explosion
will take place along this "The Continental Rock Crack." This
is very dangerous
this "Continental Rock Crack" is very well known by the atomic
people who installed the atomic bomb. It has been mapped out
very carefully
this "Continental Rock Crack" is considered very dangerous and for
certain the atomic compounds do surface at times and this surfacing
of the atomic compounds is also classed as very dangerous as well
this part of the report deals with a lake
1. this lake was made by another leak from the atomic bomb
2. the lake is an atomic compound leak and is considered
3. i do not know where the lake is located at
but the atomic program who did install this bomb does
know where this lake is located at
4. i do not know the size of the lake
but the atomic program who did install this bomb does
know the size of the lake
this padrt of the report deals with the electrical plant that was
at least partly built at about The Naser Damn
1. the reason why this electricity plant was being built at The
Naser Damn was to fire off the detonators in The Atomic
Bomb that was put into The Dead Sea
there is something involved here that you should ask your own
electrical engineers and explosives engineers
1. the reason that the electrical power plant was being built
all the way away at The Naser Damn was to supply enough
electricity to fire off the atomic detonators of The Dead Sea
Atomic Bomb
2. what your engineers might answer is the following: there is
an electrical energy build up that does take place over the
distance that electricity does travel. It is something along
the same lines of the energy build up with the coil of an
electric motor etc.
3. when you take into consideration that an electrical plant was
being installed at Naser Damn at Naser Lake with all the
electrical poles etc. that would be needed all the way to The
Dead Sea and this and that along with all other equipment
needed to make the long lines of electricity work properly.
For you to understand this electrical set-up in its entiritay
you will start to come to the knowledge as to just how HUGE
The Dead Sea Atomic Bomb really is. If you just sit down for
a minute or two and think about such a huge electrical
installation being put in and all the poles to carry wire
etc. just to fire off detonators you will soon see what i
am talking about. When you realize that people did all this
electrical work just to fire off detonators you will soon
see that The Atomic Bomb Itself must be Huge To The Extreme
i have very limited knowledge about electricity but i do know
that the entire electrical set-up was to operate like the coil
in the distributor of a car that builds up electrical energy
and then fires it through the set of points contacts along the
spark plug wires through the spark plugs into the gas mix in
the car cylinders
this part of the report deals with Nasers Damn
1. Nasers Damn was built improperly
2. it is possible that the cement used to build the damn was
reduced in its quality
3. it is possible also that the damn was built out of atomic
compound polluted rock etc. which was put into the cement
of the damn
4. it is possible dthat the damn was built out of atomic
compounds that can explode which were put into the damn
to ber exploded at a later date
5. also the damn might be a storage box for atomic bombs
no matter what the problem is here it was talked up a lot. The
people i was with talked with each other a lot about The Naser
Damn atomic problem
1. The Nile River might be polluted with atomic compounds, problems
this part of the report deals with The Naser Damn Itself
1. The Naser Damn at Naser Lake might be an Atomic Bomb Itself
2. The Naser Damn might be literally explodable
3. because of the possiblility of Atomic Compounds being put into
The Naser Damn when The Naser Damn was being built The Naser
Damn literally might be explodable
4. The Naser Damn just might be a literal atomic bomb sitting right
there at Naser Lake
when The Naser Damn was being built there were arguements made
about the types of cement being used in making the damn
it is possible to have put atomic bombs into the cement structure
of the damn itself to be blown up at a later date
it is also possible to have put atomic coumpounds of some sort
into the cement and gravel in such a away that these compounds
could be blown up at a later date
also the people in control of The Naser Damn were accused of
at least storing atomic bombs inside the damn itself in rooms
that were made for them
The Naser Damn has been accused as being a great big atomic problem
The Naser Damn has also been accused as being a polution threat
to The Nile River
this part of the report deals with The Nile River
1. because of the over abundant talk about The Nile River
being an atomic compound problem loaded with polution
2. The Nile River might be already poluted
3. because of the talk about The Naser Damn that i have heard
The Nile River might have been poluted at any moment from
the immediate time that The Naser Damn was completed
4. The Nile River might have been poluted during the actual
building time of The Naser Damn
no matter what the problem is here it was talked up a lot. The
people i am with talked with each other a lot about The Naser
Damn atomic problem
this part of the report deals with different types of military gas
1. the large location where this gas was used is The Middle East
in general
2. the people who were attacked were the people named The Bedouin
3. the people who attacked The Bedouin were Middle East People
but they lived in different locations in The Middle East
4. why this attaack against The Bedouin happened was people in
commanding positions classed The Bedouin as a mere vagabond
and unwanted nomad and decided to kill The Bedouin People off
5. how the commanders decided to kill The Bedouin People off was
by using possibly different gases on them and then running over
them with war tanks. This attack was named "Tank Tracking
The Bedouin."
the following is exactly what happened
1. the commanders of the battle tanks would command the tanks to
drive around and around The Bedouin encampment releasing gas
from gas tanks that were fastened to the tanks by trailer hitches.
The gas tanks themselves were loaded onto trailers that the war
battle tanks towed behind them also some battle tanks would
carry the gas tanks on the abattle tanks themselves. The Battle
Tank Commander dof The Middle East did about the same thing
like what happened in The United States Of America in Wild West
Days or on Hollywood Movies when the Indians would ride around
and around a wagon train shooting at the wagon train people as
they rode around and around them
2. remember the gas used might have been different aat times. It
might have been killer gas or knock out gas
3. when the entire Bedouin encampment was lieing down kncoked out
or dead the commanders would then order the tanks to drive over
The Bedouin People and The Bedouin Endcampment crushing
everyone and everything into the earth
4. because of the manner of conversation i was in on and my finding
out just how severely tight the battle tanks were sealed up i do
believe that killer gas was at least one of the types of g as used
on The Bedouin People
5. open vehicles could not have been used because the commanders
and crews would have been hurt with the released gas no mattter
what variety the gas was in this type of fighting
6. they were very well sealed up military tanks that were used to do this with
Thursday, 15 December 2011
#12. Doctor Dog Food! ..., Doctor Of Lies! ...
this report is a short report about Doctor Of Lies "The Doctor of Lies! ...".
This Medical Doctor Set is also known as "DOCTOR DOG FOOD! ...".
unfortunately Dr. Of Lies was found out of place when he
did represent me at one of my hearings with The Military for my pension.
What Dr. Of Lies did was he lied about a small piece of paper
that was supposed to be in my medical file. The small piece
of paper was supposed to have a report written up on it from
a Doctor about me when i was about two years of age
this is completely false what Dr. Of Lies did and he knew this
the paper which was said to be quite small and just a torn off
piece of paper from a regular sheet of paper did not never exist
Dr. Of Lies was definitly asked to produce this small piece of
paper containing this report and he could not produce it
it was proven that the reason that Dr. Of Lies could not produce
this small piece of paper was because it did not exist and never
did exist
Dr. Of Lies lied and said that i had a bad heart from an early
age and that this small piece of paper had written up on it
a report from a Doctor when i was two years of age proving this
out. Doctor Of Lies lied and did write to The Military and did
say that a Doctor did write on this small piece of paper a report
about me having a bad heart when i was two years of age
Dr. OfLies cannot prove his statement dout
as a matter of fact Dr. Of Lies cannot even produce the supposed
talked about report
as a matter of fact Dr. Of Lies cannot produce any report of any
description that is legally signed by a proper medical Doctor
about me at any age what-so-ever especially this talked about
report when i was two years of age
Dr. Of Lies has been found very out of place
Dr. Of Lies might be charged by me yet over this issue of his
lieing about me in such a military case and he might find
himself very seriously in a court case overa this issue. For
certain what Dr. Of Lies has done is definitly going to go all
over town and condemn the man for committing such a terrible
Dr. Of Lies has definitly caused me a lot of trouble by lieing
about this report of his imagination. Dr. Of Lies was caught
lieing about me and producing his false report by myself and
by other medical Doctors. Just what we are going to do to him
for doing this false report is not yet certain to us but we are
going to charge him somehow and publickly run him in somehow
this Dr. Of Lies caused me, Murray S. Fenwick, a lot of
trouble by lieing about me and my heart condition
this Dr. Of Lies caused other medical Doctors a lot of trouble
by lieing as he did because they had to then pick up
my false medical report which was made by Dr. Of Lies
and straighten it out. This Dr. Of Lies also caused
Military Canada a lot of trouble because they have to once again
further my heart injury case.
I do want proper court action against Dr. Of Lies "The Doctor of Lies"
the following has to be added into this report to help people
understand what Doctor Of Lies is really like. I know
that Doctor Of Lies does horrible things to people in
the community
1. one day when i was visiting Dr. Of Lies he talked
with me at length about how much he hated The Herbalist People
in the community in general
2. he even stood up behind his desk and slammed his fist down
onto his desk saying lowdly that he wanted to erase all
Herbalist People right out of the community
3. he said that every time he gets a chance he writes up reports
against The Herbalisats and condemns them
4. he said that he tries to shut them down all of the time
5. this attitude of Of Lies towards The Herbalist People
is absolutly terrible
6. whether or not The Herbalists are Chinese Herbalists or
Western Herbalists makes no difference to Of Lies he
swears condemnations out of his great big lowd mouth at all of
7. i know that Dr. Of Lies has done great damage towards
All Herbalist People
8. for sosme reason Of Lies just roars up a storm and shouts
all over his office against all Herbalist People
9. i do know that he has done great damage against Herbalism
i will say this short
the following is a possible reason why Doctor Of Lies is
making so much trouble for everyone
1. one day when i was walking by Dr. Of Lies office
a lot of people were out side of the building that his office
was in and they were talking very much about the terrible scene
that had happened in Dr. Of Lies building in general
2. what had happened is someone had put illegal gas into the building
and knocked out everyone in the building
3. i immediatly stopped and talked with these people
4. whether or not Dr. Of Lies was in the building or not
i do not know
5. what kind of gas was used i do not know
6. whether or not the gas was hurtful to the people in the
building or not i do not know
7. this has to be left up to The Peoples Investigations and their
report has to be read on this illegal gassing of the building
i cannot do up this report myself what-so-ever
all i know is that Dr. Of Lies office building was gassed illegally
but them what kind of gas it was and if it were noxcious or not
i do not know
i found out also that gas was put illegally in a hall of this building
and the hall did lead directly to Dr. Of Lies office
but whether or not he was gassed i do not know but i do know
that other people who did fhave an office which this hallway did
lead to were gassed and they did say that the gas did hurt them
i believe that there has to be a proper investigation into this issue
brought about by the people of this community
p.s. i talked with the people who did say that they were hurt by
this illegal gas attach against them and they did say that with
the best of their memory they all did agree that Dr. Of Lies
Chang and his staff were definitly not in their office when this
particular gassing did take place. Therefore Dr. Of Lies
and his staff were not gassed
1. Dr. Of Lies is both bad and in dirty ways is sneaky how he does things
2. i had to go to his office a number of times to have my
military file examined properly and to be taalked to properly
by Dr. Of Lies as to just how my bad heart condition did
happen to me when i was in the military
3. Dr. Of Lies did talk to me quite a lot about this
but Dr. Of Lies had no intention what-so-ever in
trying to get me my pension from the military
4. he simply shoved off what i had to say and proceeded to write
up a false report about my where my heart condition had come from
even though right in my Ottawa File right on his desk Doctors in Camp
Meaford and in Camp Borden and in 11 Personel Depot in Vancouver
and in Ottawa said that my heart condition did come from being shell
shocked in the heart when i was in Camp Meaford, Ontario
5. even though the Doctors of the military who examined me and
The Doctors of Medicine in Ottawa said my heart condition did
come from being shell shocked in Camp Meaford when i was
knocked down by a battle tank main g;un blast more than one time
The Crazy, Self Centered, Dr. Of Lies did proceed with his
sneaky lie and did botch up the court case that i had over this heart
condition issue
i now have to get this lieing scene that Doctor Of Lies did cause
to take place straightened out and proceed wisth another court case to
try to get my pension from The Canadian Army Regular
Dr. Of Lies attitude towards me was absolutly terrible
he fwould shout in the office
he would stand up from his chair and walk across his oiffice and
shove machines about that were made for practicing medicine with
he would stomp about in his office
he would shout out the door of his office at other patients to sit
down and wait theirt turn
he would take patients files and throw them across his desk
and all the time he would be ranting and raving about hating
The Herbalists
Dr. Of Lies did shout at me that i was worthless
that i did not deserve any food
And That He Had His Plans For Me
his plans for me was that i had to stand in a line down the street,
somewhere he had planned this, and get in line there every two weeks
in order to recieve a can of what Dr. Of Lies called "Dog Food"
all Dr. Of Lies wanted me to eat was "One Can Of What He
Called Dog Food" once every two weeks. Dr. Of Lies mind was very
much confused. He appears like a Crazy Man
i questioned him about this "Dog Food" issue and he jhust kept
shouting that is all i deserved to eat was "One Can of Dog Food
Every Two Weeks That I Would Get Through His Own
Recommendation From A Dog Food Line Down The Street
Somewhere" He was insistant on this statement and he did very
clearly make me understand that i had to come under His Own
Orders to get this can of dog food
this "Dog Food" shout up was so unusual that i did take very
careful note of this. I did question Dr. Of Lies on this
"Dog Food" issue and he did shout this out. I made certain of it.
Just speaking off the top of my hat, i think Doctor Of Lies
is Crazy. Whether or not he has been illegally gassed i do not know
this Dog Food threat to me has to be looked at
it has to abe looked at for the following reason
and for many reasons not written here
1. some time ago now,about 1983, i was made the adopted sson of an Indian
Senior Chief of The Kuakiutle Tribe located at Kingkum Village near
Campbell River in British Columbia, Canada. My Indian father had great
influence all the way from The Queen Charlott Islands, all the way down
through British Columbia, all the way down through Washington State,
all through Oregon State and on down to the American city of San
Francisco in the state of California, then all the way out to The Hawaian
Islands then all the way across Polinesa then all the way across
Micronesia then all the way on across and to the end of Indonesia
and that is both sides of all the islands of The Great Pacific Ocean
my Kuakiutle father came from about the area of Gibson Island on the
British Columbia coast of western Canada. He was a great big Indian
banker and did own the bank himself outright. No-one else had any
shares, holdings, in his bank what-so-ever
2. unfortunatly through my Indian Adopted Father i found out that for some
unknown reason to my Father The Senior Chief that there had been and there
still was a lot of Indian children being fed Dog Food
3. as a matter of fact a lot of Indian children were raised on nothing but Dog Food.
That is when they had food and a lot of the time they had no food at all
4. i checked into this and i found out that this was the truth
just some of the things that i found out when i investigated this Dog Food issue was
a. that Indian children when fed Dog Food were made to feel
inferior to the point of having mental illness
b. the Indian children would hide behind doors and trees etc.
because they felt inferior
Get This: they were also taught that they were inferior when
they were fed Dog Food
c. they were taught that they were third class citizens and
would abnormally hide from other people and would not talk to
other people because of this inferior way in which they were
d. the Indian children would constantly ask me for food because
they were hungry
Also when i would question some of the children about their small
size and whether they were migets they would tell me that they
were not midgets but they were small because they had never had
enough food to eat and therefore did not have any nutrition in them
to grow properly with
e. this feeding children Dog Food was to be found in the Gibson
Island area but then it spread out a long ways in this area
to cover a very large area
d. the Indian children even knew what kind of Dog Food to buy
for themselves that tasted the best for them
in my findings i do believe that i found a Medical Doctor in
the Gibson Island area who did know about this but who made no
attempt what-so-ever to stop this Dog Food feeding to the Indian
children. The Medical Doctor involved worked in The Kingkum Village
and Gibson Island area during the early 1980's
i think that it would be interesting to investigate this Doctor of Medicine
and this other Doctor named Dr. Of Lies about this Dog Food
feeding to Indian children to see if they had and still might have a Black
Market Business going on to make criminal money by selling Dog Food
to Indians adults who have the intent to feed this Black Market Dog
Food to their children .
obviously all of this terrible Dog Food scene is to make illegally aquired money
i am going to bring this to the attension of the Indian people in general
Doctor Of Lies "The Doctor Of Lies"
1. when i looked into feeding of Dog Food to Indian
ch;ildren i found that it was quite wide spread in Gibson
Island, Aleert Bay, Campbell River, all the way down the coasr
Vancouver, Naniamo,Victoria and some Indian villages
on the coast of British Columbia
2. i think that Doctors in general should be investigated to
see if they have dbeen involved in this feeding Indian
childrren Dog Food and to see also if they own a Dog Food
Company that makes the Dog Food that the Doctors have
been selling to the Indian people who have been eating
Dog Food. The Doctors involved in this illegal feeding of
Dog Food to Indian Children could very easily own and
operate a Dog Food Company and use the Indian
children as an outlet to make illegal money from. This
is very possibly the struth. I would look into this
the reason i am making the following comment is to let people know just how far peoples influence does
travel at times. Sometimes this is worth knowing about
my comment here is:
my father Jack James known as Grand-dad of The Kuakiutle People had a lot of influence
and a lot of wealth. His influence and wealth reached all the way from The Queen Charlott
Islands all the way down the Pacific coast to San Francisco and then all the way across the
islands of the great Pacific to the ends of Indonsia
for example: my own influence, when i was but 33 years old, reached all the way from Victoria,
British Columbia to The White House in Washington the District of Columbia, U.S.A.
sometimes when my father Jack James or myself talked with people about this Dog Food Crime
at times those people we talked to were of great influence and both local and located in far away
Doctors are known to own or they do have shares in Drug Company Corporations.
Doctors are known to sell their own product drugs just like car mechanics sell Indian people
spark plugs for their car. I believe that Doctors should not be allowed dto do this
when i conducted my research my search on this feeding Indian children
Dog Food i found out that mainly the girls could not even invite their
friends home after school for some fellowship because they would be
caught making their little friends a sandwitch out of Dog Food and this
would lead to much trouble between these people. The boys had the
same problem but it was mainly the girls that had this one. The little
girls would sit and cry and cry over this issue. The social trouble right
here was absolutly terrible
i am not resaying something here but i have to let you understand
this very carefully enough
when Dr. Of Lies shouted at me about his feeding me Dog Food
he did mean himself doing this Out Right
1. i had to come under his influence some how in order to get this Dog Food
2. some how he had control of this Dog Food
3. this Dog Food being under his control is a very important issue when this
comes under proper investigation
4. it was Doctor Of Lies who had this Dog Food stock piled up
some where and it was he who ordered it to be given out
This Medical Doctor Set is also known as "DOCTOR DOG FOOD! ...".
unfortunately Dr. Of Lies was found out of place when he
did represent me at one of my hearings with The Military for my pension.
What Dr. Of Lies did was he lied about a small piece of paper
that was supposed to be in my medical file. The small piece
of paper was supposed to have a report written up on it from
a Doctor about me when i was about two years of age
this is completely false what Dr. Of Lies did and he knew this
the paper which was said to be quite small and just a torn off
piece of paper from a regular sheet of paper did not never exist
Dr. Of Lies was definitly asked to produce this small piece of
paper containing this report and he could not produce it
it was proven that the reason that Dr. Of Lies could not produce
this small piece of paper was because it did not exist and never
did exist
Dr. Of Lies lied and said that i had a bad heart from an early
age and that this small piece of paper had written up on it
a report from a Doctor when i was two years of age proving this
out. Doctor Of Lies lied and did write to The Military and did
say that a Doctor did write on this small piece of paper a report
about me having a bad heart when i was two years of age
Dr. OfLies cannot prove his statement dout
as a matter of fact Dr. Of Lies cannot even produce the supposed
talked about report
as a matter of fact Dr. Of Lies cannot produce any report of any
description that is legally signed by a proper medical Doctor
about me at any age what-so-ever especially this talked about
report when i was two years of age
Dr. Of Lies has been found very out of place
Dr. Of Lies might be charged by me yet over this issue of his
lieing about me in such a military case and he might find
himself very seriously in a court case overa this issue. For
certain what Dr. Of Lies has done is definitly going to go all
over town and condemn the man for committing such a terrible
Dr. Of Lies has definitly caused me a lot of trouble by lieing
about this report of his imagination. Dr. Of Lies was caught
lieing about me and producing his false report by myself and
by other medical Doctors. Just what we are going to do to him
for doing this false report is not yet certain to us but we are
going to charge him somehow and publickly run him in somehow
this Dr. Of Lies caused me, Murray S. Fenwick, a lot of
trouble by lieing about me and my heart condition
this Dr. Of Lies caused other medical Doctors a lot of trouble
by lieing as he did because they had to then pick up
my false medical report which was made by Dr. Of Lies
and straighten it out. This Dr. Of Lies also caused
Military Canada a lot of trouble because they have to once again
further my heart injury case.
I do want proper court action against Dr. Of Lies "The Doctor of Lies"
the following has to be added into this report to help people
understand what Doctor Of Lies is really like. I know
that Doctor Of Lies does horrible things to people in
the community
1. one day when i was visiting Dr. Of Lies he talked
with me at length about how much he hated The Herbalist People
in the community in general
2. he even stood up behind his desk and slammed his fist down
onto his desk saying lowdly that he wanted to erase all
Herbalist People right out of the community
3. he said that every time he gets a chance he writes up reports
against The Herbalisats and condemns them
4. he said that he tries to shut them down all of the time
5. this attitude of Of Lies towards The Herbalist People
is absolutly terrible
6. whether or not The Herbalists are Chinese Herbalists or
Western Herbalists makes no difference to Of Lies he
swears condemnations out of his great big lowd mouth at all of
7. i know that Dr. Of Lies has done great damage towards
All Herbalist People
8. for sosme reason Of Lies just roars up a storm and shouts
all over his office against all Herbalist People
9. i do know that he has done great damage against Herbalism
i will say this short
the following is a possible reason why Doctor Of Lies is
making so much trouble for everyone
1. one day when i was walking by Dr. Of Lies office
a lot of people were out side of the building that his office
was in and they were talking very much about the terrible scene
that had happened in Dr. Of Lies building in general
2. what had happened is someone had put illegal gas into the building
and knocked out everyone in the building
3. i immediatly stopped and talked with these people
4. whether or not Dr. Of Lies was in the building or not
i do not know
5. what kind of gas was used i do not know
6. whether or not the gas was hurtful to the people in the
building or not i do not know
7. this has to be left up to The Peoples Investigations and their
report has to be read on this illegal gassing of the building
i cannot do up this report myself what-so-ever
all i know is that Dr. Of Lies office building was gassed illegally
but them what kind of gas it was and if it were noxcious or not
i do not know
i found out also that gas was put illegally in a hall of this building
and the hall did lead directly to Dr. Of Lies office
but whether or not he was gassed i do not know but i do know
that other people who did fhave an office which this hallway did
lead to were gassed and they did say that the gas did hurt them
i believe that there has to be a proper investigation into this issue
brought about by the people of this community
p.s. i talked with the people who did say that they were hurt by
this illegal gas attach against them and they did say that with
the best of their memory they all did agree that Dr. Of Lies
Chang and his staff were definitly not in their office when this
particular gassing did take place. Therefore Dr. Of Lies
and his staff were not gassed
1. Dr. Of Lies is both bad and in dirty ways is sneaky how he does things
2. i had to go to his office a number of times to have my
military file examined properly and to be taalked to properly
by Dr. Of Lies as to just how my bad heart condition did
happen to me when i was in the military
3. Dr. Of Lies did talk to me quite a lot about this
but Dr. Of Lies had no intention what-so-ever in
trying to get me my pension from the military
4. he simply shoved off what i had to say and proceeded to write
up a false report about my where my heart condition had come from
even though right in my Ottawa File right on his desk Doctors in Camp
Meaford and in Camp Borden and in 11 Personel Depot in Vancouver
and in Ottawa said that my heart condition did come from being shell
shocked in the heart when i was in Camp Meaford, Ontario
5. even though the Doctors of the military who examined me and
The Doctors of Medicine in Ottawa said my heart condition did
come from being shell shocked in Camp Meaford when i was
knocked down by a battle tank main g;un blast more than one time
The Crazy, Self Centered, Dr. Of Lies did proceed with his
sneaky lie and did botch up the court case that i had over this heart
condition issue
i now have to get this lieing scene that Doctor Of Lies did cause
to take place straightened out and proceed wisth another court case to
try to get my pension from The Canadian Army Regular
Dr. Of Lies attitude towards me was absolutly terrible
he fwould shout in the office
he would stand up from his chair and walk across his oiffice and
shove machines about that were made for practicing medicine with
he would stomp about in his office
he would shout out the door of his office at other patients to sit
down and wait theirt turn
he would take patients files and throw them across his desk
and all the time he would be ranting and raving about hating
The Herbalists
Dr. Of Lies did shout at me that i was worthless
that i did not deserve any food
And That He Had His Plans For Me
his plans for me was that i had to stand in a line down the street,
somewhere he had planned this, and get in line there every two weeks
in order to recieve a can of what Dr. Of Lies called "Dog Food"
all Dr. Of Lies wanted me to eat was "One Can Of What He
Called Dog Food" once every two weeks. Dr. Of Lies mind was very
much confused. He appears like a Crazy Man
i questioned him about this "Dog Food" issue and he jhust kept
shouting that is all i deserved to eat was "One Can of Dog Food
Every Two Weeks That I Would Get Through His Own
Recommendation From A Dog Food Line Down The Street
Somewhere" He was insistant on this statement and he did very
clearly make me understand that i had to come under His Own
Orders to get this can of dog food
this "Dog Food" shout up was so unusual that i did take very
careful note of this. I did question Dr. Of Lies on this
"Dog Food" issue and he did shout this out. I made certain of it.
Just speaking off the top of my hat, i think Doctor Of Lies
is Crazy. Whether or not he has been illegally gassed i do not know
this Dog Food threat to me has to be looked at
it has to abe looked at for the following reason
and for many reasons not written here
1. some time ago now,about 1983, i was made the adopted sson of an Indian
Senior Chief of The Kuakiutle Tribe located at Kingkum Village near
Campbell River in British Columbia, Canada. My Indian father had great
influence all the way from The Queen Charlott Islands, all the way down
through British Columbia, all the way down through Washington State,
all through Oregon State and on down to the American city of San
Francisco in the state of California, then all the way out to The Hawaian
Islands then all the way across Polinesa then all the way across
Micronesia then all the way on across and to the end of Indonesia
and that is both sides of all the islands of The Great Pacific Ocean
my Kuakiutle father came from about the area of Gibson Island on the
British Columbia coast of western Canada. He was a great big Indian
banker and did own the bank himself outright. No-one else had any
shares, holdings, in his bank what-so-ever
2. unfortunatly through my Indian Adopted Father i found out that for some
unknown reason to my Father The Senior Chief that there had been and there
still was a lot of Indian children being fed Dog Food
3. as a matter of fact a lot of Indian children were raised on nothing but Dog Food.
That is when they had food and a lot of the time they had no food at all
4. i checked into this and i found out that this was the truth
just some of the things that i found out when i investigated this Dog Food issue was
a. that Indian children when fed Dog Food were made to feel
inferior to the point of having mental illness
b. the Indian children would hide behind doors and trees etc.
because they felt inferior
Get This: they were also taught that they were inferior when
they were fed Dog Food
c. they were taught that they were third class citizens and
would abnormally hide from other people and would not talk to
other people because of this inferior way in which they were
d. the Indian children would constantly ask me for food because
they were hungry
Also when i would question some of the children about their small
size and whether they were migets they would tell me that they
were not midgets but they were small because they had never had
enough food to eat and therefore did not have any nutrition in them
to grow properly with
e. this feeding children Dog Food was to be found in the Gibson
Island area but then it spread out a long ways in this area
to cover a very large area
d. the Indian children even knew what kind of Dog Food to buy
for themselves that tasted the best for them
in my findings i do believe that i found a Medical Doctor in
the Gibson Island area who did know about this but who made no
attempt what-so-ever to stop this Dog Food feeding to the Indian
children. The Medical Doctor involved worked in The Kingkum Village
and Gibson Island area during the early 1980's
i think that it would be interesting to investigate this Doctor of Medicine
and this other Doctor named Dr. Of Lies about this Dog Food
feeding to Indian children to see if they had and still might have a Black
Market Business going on to make criminal money by selling Dog Food
to Indians adults who have the intent to feed this Black Market Dog
Food to their children .
obviously all of this terrible Dog Food scene is to make illegally aquired money
i am going to bring this to the attension of the Indian people in general
Doctor Of Lies "The Doctor Of Lies"
1. when i looked into feeding of Dog Food to Indian
ch;ildren i found that it was quite wide spread in Gibson
Island, Aleert Bay, Campbell River, all the way down the coasr
Vancouver, Naniamo,Victoria and some Indian villages
on the coast of British Columbia
2. i think that Doctors in general should be investigated to
see if they have dbeen involved in this feeding Indian
childrren Dog Food and to see also if they own a Dog Food
Company that makes the Dog Food that the Doctors have
been selling to the Indian people who have been eating
Dog Food. The Doctors involved in this illegal feeding of
Dog Food to Indian Children could very easily own and
operate a Dog Food Company and use the Indian
children as an outlet to make illegal money from. This
is very possibly the struth. I would look into this
the reason i am making the following comment is to let people know just how far peoples influence does
travel at times. Sometimes this is worth knowing about
my comment here is:
my father Jack James known as Grand-dad of The Kuakiutle People had a lot of influence
and a lot of wealth. His influence and wealth reached all the way from The Queen Charlott
Islands all the way down the Pacific coast to San Francisco and then all the way across the
islands of the great Pacific to the ends of Indonsia
for example: my own influence, when i was but 33 years old, reached all the way from Victoria,
British Columbia to The White House in Washington the District of Columbia, U.S.A.
sometimes when my father Jack James or myself talked with people about this Dog Food Crime
at times those people we talked to were of great influence and both local and located in far away
Doctors are known to own or they do have shares in Drug Company Corporations.
Doctors are known to sell their own product drugs just like car mechanics sell Indian people
spark plugs for their car. I believe that Doctors should not be allowed dto do this
when i conducted my research my search on this feeding Indian children
Dog Food i found out that mainly the girls could not even invite their
friends home after school for some fellowship because they would be
caught making their little friends a sandwitch out of Dog Food and this
would lead to much trouble between these people. The boys had the
same problem but it was mainly the girls that had this one. The little
girls would sit and cry and cry over this issue. The social trouble right
here was absolutly terrible
i am not resaying something here but i have to let you understand
this very carefully enough
when Dr. Of Lies shouted at me about his feeding me Dog Food
he did mean himself doing this Out Right
1. i had to come under his influence some how in order to get this Dog Food
2. some how he had control of this Dog Food
3. this Dog Food being under his control is a very important issue when this
comes under proper investigation
4. it was Doctor Of Lies who had this Dog Food stock piled up
some where and it was he who ordered it to be given out
Thursday, 8 December 2011
#11. The Uplander of Gabriola Island, The Murderer, Gold Thief Etc.
when i first met The Uplander he was just retired
i only knew The Uplander on the job
our job was located on lower Vancouver Island in the province of British Columbia, Canada
we worked together
one day when i was at work The Uplander talked with me about the following murder case in his life that he had committed
The Uplander said that he had commanded a main gun like is on a ship and
did illegally kill people at sea by firing that big ships gun at them illegally. That is exactly what The Uplander
said he did do
after The Uplander had retired from he got another job
The Uplander was not on the job long before it was found out that he was not adequately trained to do the job
The Uplander had to go back to school and learn more. The Uplander could have been fired right
off of the job for not knowing his job properly enough
after awhile The Uplander moved from Vancouver Island to Gabriola Island
The Uplander now did work on Gabriola Island
The Uplander was known to be lowd mouthed for no reason against innocent people while he was working
The Uplander was lowd mouthed to me several times when i was near him
i did not like The Uplander doing this and i told him that he might not be right about what he was shouting all over about. I told him that he should stop his lowd shouting around
then one day The Uplander asked me to come on over to his house and see him
i worked on Entrance Island Light House Station which was quite nearby Gabriola Island when The Uplander asked me to visit with him. I lived quite close to The Uplander at this time so i did go and visit
with him
when i went to visit The Uplander at his house he came right out of his house bounding along and talked with me on the street. The Uplander wanted to go for a walk with me on The Whalebone and talk to me about
what The Uplander wanted to talk about is another murder scene that he had committed by himself and with some of his friends
The Uplander had committed the murders or the majority of them quite close, nearby, his house where he lived on Gabriola Island
what The Uplander and some of his friends had done is they bought some guns from somewhere and with these gunss that they had got together they used them to kill all kinds of different ethnic people off with
then The Uplander and his friends dragged the bodies to the beach right at The Uplanders house and threw the dead bodies off of the beach front right there in front of The Uplanders house
then The Uplander aand his criminal friends held up innocent people with the guns and marched them
along Whalebone to a quite nearby cliff and wet piece of land adjacent to the cliff intself. Once The
Uplander had the captured victims on this wet location aand cliff area The Uplander and his criminal
friends beat them to death, shot them down to death and also threw those innocent people right off of
the top of that cliff. Sometimes The Uplander and his murderous friends would throw their victims more
than one time off of the cliff in order to kill them. The Uplander and his terrible friends got into
bludgeoning of those innocent people, ftheir victims and tgheir victims were many
then The Uplander anad his friends would drag the bodies to the beach right in front of The Uplanders
house and throw the dead bodies right off of the sandy beach right there
The Uplander said to me he always robbed the bodies of what-ever loot he could steal. The Uplander
told me that he took a lot of loot from these victims of his
The Uplander did seem to me to be the absolute leader of this terrible murder gang located on Gabriola
I reported this terrible offence to The Churches of Gabriola Island in a long enough report to make them
understand what this terrible man The Uplander had done with his terrible friends. As far as I knew The
Churches were the official people to talk to being in a senior position on Gabriola Island and they had
proper connections with The Gabriola Island Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I left no doubt in The
Churches minds about The Uplander and his murderous friends and what they were up to
The Uplander took me right to the wet area of ground where many innocent people were murdered and
to the nearby cliff that he, The Uplander and others, threw innocent people off of in their wild murder
I think to this day I could still find this location but remember there were other murder locations and for
somer reason unknown to me The Uplanders house was also a location used to murder people at. I think
that The Uplander and his evil friends would lure people, the victims, to The Uplanders house somehow
and then in different ways kill them there
The Uplander and his friends committed these murders about the year 1980
just who The Uplanders friends were that committed these murders with him i do not know
this is more about The Uplanders murder case and how The Uplander did dispose of the loot he had stolen
1. it is generally known through-out the criminal world that people committing crime cover up criminally
acquired money and other goods of varying descriptions LIKE GOLD by purchasing "travellers
cheques" with the stolen goods
2. The Uplander was involved in GOLD THEFT and changed THE STOLEN GOLD into "travellers
cheques" in order not to be found with STOLEN GOLD or other types of goods
3. it is a known truth that once stolen goods of what ever description have been changed into
a very important note here that should be carefully thought about when thinking about this criminal case
1. one is the amount of money that The Uplander did exchange for "travellers cheques". It was a huge
amount of money and GOLD was exchanged. It was also a huge amount of all other differnt types of
goods that could be exchanged into "TRAVELLERS CHEQUES, MORE SAFE MONEY"
2. the other is the very fact that it was "travellers cheques" that this large amount of GOLD and foreign
money was exchanged into. The actual criminal cross-over of stolen goods into "travellers cheques"
was done by The Uplander
3. The Uplander fcould literally fill the trunk of his car with these large expensive "travellers cheques"
These "travellers cheques" were expensive indeed. The Uplanders "travellers cheques" were not
inexpensive ones, they were very expensive. Each cheque was worth at least one hundred dollars or
one thousand dollars apiece. I am not talking about what a whole book of "travellers cheques" was
worth i am talking about what each individual, "one travellers cheque" was worth that The Uplander
had in his possession. The Uplander could fill his whole car up with them. The Uplander had "travellers
cheques" of this expence stacked up at home right to the cielings of his house
The Uplander told me that he would sit in the woods nearby his house and shoot people and then rob the
dead bodies and then drag the dead people to his nearby house and beach front property aand then throw
the dead off of the beach into The Gulf of Georgia. The Uplanders house and land did front onto The Gulf
of Georgia. The Uplander also did tell me that he would phone people up and in various ways invite them to
his home and he would lay in wait like a military sniper and when they would come to see him he would
sniper kill them. He would then rob the dead people and then drag the dead to his nearby house and property and then throw the dead into the ocean right in front of his house
i only knew The Uplander on the job
our job was located on lower Vancouver Island in the province of British Columbia, Canada
we worked together
one day when i was at work The Uplander talked with me about the following murder case in his life that he had committed
The Uplander said that he had commanded a main gun like is on a ship and
did illegally kill people at sea by firing that big ships gun at them illegally. That is exactly what The Uplander
said he did do
after The Uplander had retired from he got another job
The Uplander was not on the job long before it was found out that he was not adequately trained to do the job
The Uplander had to go back to school and learn more. The Uplander could have been fired right
off of the job for not knowing his job properly enough
after awhile The Uplander moved from Vancouver Island to Gabriola Island
The Uplander now did work on Gabriola Island
The Uplander was known to be lowd mouthed for no reason against innocent people while he was working
The Uplander was lowd mouthed to me several times when i was near him
i did not like The Uplander doing this and i told him that he might not be right about what he was shouting all over about. I told him that he should stop his lowd shouting around
then one day The Uplander asked me to come on over to his house and see him
i worked on Entrance Island Light House Station which was quite nearby Gabriola Island when The Uplander asked me to visit with him. I lived quite close to The Uplander at this time so i did go and visit
with him
when i went to visit The Uplander at his house he came right out of his house bounding along and talked with me on the street. The Uplander wanted to go for a walk with me on The Whalebone and talk to me about
what The Uplander wanted to talk about is another murder scene that he had committed by himself and with some of his friends
The Uplander had committed the murders or the majority of them quite close, nearby, his house where he lived on Gabriola Island
what The Uplander and some of his friends had done is they bought some guns from somewhere and with these gunss that they had got together they used them to kill all kinds of different ethnic people off with
then The Uplander and his friends dragged the bodies to the beach right at The Uplanders house and threw the dead bodies off of the beach front right there in front of The Uplanders house
then The Uplander aand his criminal friends held up innocent people with the guns and marched them
along Whalebone to a quite nearby cliff and wet piece of land adjacent to the cliff intself. Once The
Uplander had the captured victims on this wet location aand cliff area The Uplander and his criminal
friends beat them to death, shot them down to death and also threw those innocent people right off of
the top of that cliff. Sometimes The Uplander and his murderous friends would throw their victims more
than one time off of the cliff in order to kill them. The Uplander and his terrible friends got into
bludgeoning of those innocent people, ftheir victims and tgheir victims were many
then The Uplander anad his friends would drag the bodies to the beach right in front of The Uplanders
house and throw the dead bodies right off of the sandy beach right there
The Uplander said to me he always robbed the bodies of what-ever loot he could steal. The Uplander
told me that he took a lot of loot from these victims of his
The Uplander did seem to me to be the absolute leader of this terrible murder gang located on Gabriola
I reported this terrible offence to The Churches of Gabriola Island in a long enough report to make them
understand what this terrible man The Uplander had done with his terrible friends. As far as I knew The
Churches were the official people to talk to being in a senior position on Gabriola Island and they had
proper connections with The Gabriola Island Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I left no doubt in The
Churches minds about The Uplander and his murderous friends and what they were up to
The Uplander took me right to the wet area of ground where many innocent people were murdered and
to the nearby cliff that he, The Uplander and others, threw innocent people off of in their wild murder
I think to this day I could still find this location but remember there were other murder locations and for
somer reason unknown to me The Uplanders house was also a location used to murder people at. I think
that The Uplander and his evil friends would lure people, the victims, to The Uplanders house somehow
and then in different ways kill them there
The Uplander and his friends committed these murders about the year 1980
just who The Uplanders friends were that committed these murders with him i do not know
this is more about The Uplanders murder case and how The Uplander did dispose of the loot he had stolen
1. it is generally known through-out the criminal world that people committing crime cover up criminally
acquired money and other goods of varying descriptions LIKE GOLD by purchasing "travellers
cheques" with the stolen goods
2. The Uplander was involved in GOLD THEFT and changed THE STOLEN GOLD into "travellers
cheques" in order not to be found with STOLEN GOLD or other types of goods
3. it is a known truth that once stolen goods of what ever description have been changed into
a very important note here that should be carefully thought about when thinking about this criminal case
1. one is the amount of money that The Uplander did exchange for "travellers cheques". It was a huge
amount of money and GOLD was exchanged. It was also a huge amount of all other differnt types of
goods that could be exchanged into "TRAVELLERS CHEQUES, MORE SAFE MONEY"
2. the other is the very fact that it was "travellers cheques" that this large amount of GOLD and foreign
money was exchanged into. The actual criminal cross-over of stolen goods into "travellers cheques"
was done by The Uplander
3. The Uplander fcould literally fill the trunk of his car with these large expensive "travellers cheques"
These "travellers cheques" were expensive indeed. The Uplanders "travellers cheques" were not
inexpensive ones, they were very expensive. Each cheque was worth at least one hundred dollars or
one thousand dollars apiece. I am not talking about what a whole book of "travellers cheques" was
worth i am talking about what each individual, "one travellers cheque" was worth that The Uplander
had in his possession. The Uplander could fill his whole car up with them. The Uplander had "travellers
cheques" of this expence stacked up at home right to the cielings of his house
The Uplander told me that he would sit in the woods nearby his house and shoot people and then rob the
dead bodies and then drag the dead people to his nearby house and beach front property aand then throw
the dead off of the beach into The Gulf of Georgia. The Uplanders house and land did front onto The Gulf
of Georgia. The Uplander also did tell me that he would phone people up and in various ways invite them to
his home and he would lay in wait like a military sniper and when they would come to see him he would
sniper kill them. He would then rob the dead people and then drag the dead to his nearby house and property and then throw the dead into the ocean right in front of his house
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
#10. The Fiery Furnace
chapter 1
The Old Testament Book of Daniel
and The Image of Gold and The Fiery Furnace
this sequence of old history events took place in the 6th century B.C.
in The Old Testament Book of Daniel in chapter 3 is written an
account about human crimes about the burning up of people into
ashes in a fiery furnace. In this chapter of scripture from The
Old Testament Book of Daniel we can see that The King Nebuchadnezzar
was involved in throwing people into a fiery furnace while they
were still alive in order to kill them and dispose of their bodies
by burning them up into ashes.
In The Old Testament Book of Daniel in chapter 3, verses 5-6 this
truth about King Nebuchadnezzar is clearly brought out and said in
the scriptures set forth below.
The Bible used for this refearence is The Living Bible, 1971 edition,
Tyndale House Publishers.
In The Old Testament Book of Daniel
in chapter 3 in verses 5-6 it is written
verse 5: When the band strikes up,
you are to fall flat on the ground
to worship King Nebuchadnez-
zar's golden statue; verse 6: anyone who
refuses to obey will immediately
be thrown into a flaming fur-
please take note: this burning of human beings in the fiery
furnace did take place in a public scene
chapter 2
Summitview Public School
6551 Main Street
Stouffville, Ontario
Canada, L4A-5Z4
where burnings of both whole and cut up
human bodies took place at during I955
In Summitview Public School in Stouffville, Ontario, Canada
people were also involved in throwing human beings into the
schools furnace and burning them up into ashes. One day I
caught people doing this and I was going to go to the people
who were the actual people who did the burning of the human
beings and ask them just why they were burning people up but
some older boys in the school told me very firmly not to approach
the people of the town about this matter or they would probably
throw me into the fiery furnace also. I was about 8 years old
when this happened. The older boys actually shoved me around
in the basement of the school until they got their message
through to me and I knew well enough not to persue this matter.
I do not know who was in charge of this burning up of people in
Summitview Publick School furnace room at this time.
I was so young when this took place that I was almost still in diapers
As far as I know the people who did this burning up of people in The
Public Schools furnace room might have been ordered to do it by the
town itself.
to get to the furnace room of Summitview Public School you had to
go down into the basement of the school in the boys end of the
school and then down once again into the cement gym of the school
and then across the gym to the far corner of the gym to a door
that led to the furnace room intself. This area did also contain
the cement bunker that did hold the coal supply for the furnace
please take note here: this burning of human beings in the schools
furnace did take place in a government public school building
The Old Testament Book of Daniel
and The Image of Gold and The Fiery Furnace
this sequence of old history events took place in the 6th century B.C.
in The Old Testament Book of Daniel in chapter 3 is written an
account about human crimes about the burning up of people into
ashes in a fiery furnace. In this chapter of scripture from The
Old Testament Book of Daniel we can see that The King Nebuchadnezzar
was involved in throwing people into a fiery furnace while they
were still alive in order to kill them and dispose of their bodies
by burning them up into ashes.
In The Old Testament Book of Daniel in chapter 3, verses 5-6 this
truth about King Nebuchadnezzar is clearly brought out and said in
the scriptures set forth below.
The Bible used for this refearence is The Living Bible, 1971 edition,
Tyndale House Publishers.
In The Old Testament Book of Daniel
in chapter 3 in verses 5-6 it is written
verse 5: When the band strikes up,
you are to fall flat on the ground
to worship King Nebuchadnez-
zar's golden statue; verse 6: anyone who
refuses to obey will immediately
be thrown into a flaming fur-
please take note: this burning of human beings in the fiery
furnace did take place in a public scene
chapter 2
Summitview Public School
6551 Main Street
Stouffville, Ontario
Canada, L4A-5Z4
where burnings of both whole and cut up
human bodies took place at during I955
In Summitview Public School in Stouffville, Ontario, Canada
people were also involved in throwing human beings into the
schools furnace and burning them up into ashes. One day I
caught people doing this and I was going to go to the people
who were the actual people who did the burning of the human
beings and ask them just why they were burning people up but
some older boys in the school told me very firmly not to approach
the people of the town about this matter or they would probably
throw me into the fiery furnace also. I was about 8 years old
when this happened. The older boys actually shoved me around
in the basement of the school until they got their message
through to me and I knew well enough not to persue this matter.
I do not know who was in charge of this burning up of people in
Summitview Publick School furnace room at this time.
I was so young when this took place that I was almost still in diapers
As far as I know the people who did this burning up of people in The
Public Schools furnace room might have been ordered to do it by the
town itself.
to get to the furnace room of Summitview Public School you had to
go down into the basement of the school in the boys end of the
school and then down once again into the cement gym of the school
and then across the gym to the far corner of the gym to a door
that led to the furnace room intself. This area did also contain
the cement bunker that did hold the coal supply for the furnace
please take note here: this burning of human beings in the schools
furnace did take place in a government public school building
Summitview Public School
6551 Main Street
Stouffville, Ontario
Canada, L4A-5Z4
where burnings of both whole and cut up
human bodies took place at during 1955
chapter 3:
at the age of 14 I moved from Stouffville, Ontario, Canada to
Sidney on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I started
school at North Saanitch Secondary School and one of the first
things i found out was that people in the school, that is the
students, were throwing both alive and murdered people into the
schools furnace and burning them up into ashes.
1. i went about the school and investigated this case and found that this was true
2. i also found out that for certain the schools seniors whose
name was Mr. Dedicated and the schools Prefects whose
names was Mr. Many did try to stop this burning up of
human beings in the schools furnace. They were complete failures
at stopping this kind of trouble. I know that they put forth
many efforts at trying to stop this trouble but they could not
stop it at all.
during my investigations about this terrible scene that had gone on
for quite a long time the people who were committing this terrible
offence did try to kill me and then burn me in the schools furnace.
For some peculiar reason unknown to me these criminals did not quite
get to kill me and did not quite get to burn me alive either. This
attack against me was so close to getting me killed and burned and
then just caught and thrown alive into the furnace to get rid of me
that some of the gang that was involved in this crime did think that
the rest of the gang did get to kill me and burn me or just burn me
alive to get rid of me. Parts of this bad school gang were very
surprised to see me still at school and in other places about town
still alive and well and still walking around. After my investigations
this burning up of people in the schools fiery furnace did go on for
quite a spell yet. Remember that the schools seniors could not get
this stopped.
because i was knew at this school i did not know many people and was
unable to identify people who were involved in this but one person
that i did know who was involved in this crime was The Swimmers Gang..
He was a young teenager who attended North Saanitch Secondary
School who lived in Sidney. The Swimmers Gang was also involved in many other
murder crimes. His name will be brought up at times in some of my
reports here.
please take note here: this burning of human beings, whether alive
or dead, in the schools furnace did take place in a government
chapter 4:
The trouble making place is named Government House.
Government House is located at, Government House, 1401 Rockland
Avenue, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, V8S-1V9
Government House is where burnings of cut up human bodies took
place at during 1975
In Walks!
1. in walks Mr. German General (a weasel) a past middle aged German man who
was born and raised in Germany during The Second World War years
2. The Weasel had been raised by someone like The German Gestapo and just
maybe it was The Gestapo itself who really did raise The Weasel up, at
any rate it was them or someone like them. The Weasel and his father
were German Officer Staff in this branch of German affairs
3. one day it was found out that people were burned up into ashes
in the furnace room that was located in the basement of Government
4. people were chopped up in the furnace room and thrown into the
furnace and people were delivered to Government House in boxes
about the size of apple boxes that they had been put into after
being chopped up
5. the people who were delivered to Government House in these apple
boxes were also put into the furnace and burned up into ashes
now pertaining to proper investigations
obviously, they who-ever they were, did not want to investigate the
after a mild small walk around of investigations, a very small
investigation indeed, it was said that no-one knew anything about
the burning up of people in the furnace of Government House, and
that being said was to be the end of all investigations on that
subject. The officials who ran Government House did say and did
put this statement out
now pertaining to proper investigations
obviously, they who-ever they were, did not want to investigate the
i want you to know right here that Government House is a public building
Government House
1401 Rockland Avenue
Victoria, British Columbia
Canada, V8S-1V9
where many burnings of cut up human bodies took place at during 1975
1. because of The Weasel being raised up by The Gestapo
2. because of The Weasels very poor job performance
3. because of The Weasels terrible attitudes on the job
4. also The Weasel could not be trusted in some other ways like food delivery
that had been given by The Chef of Government House for The Grounds
Keepers which was to be taken to The Grounds Workers lunch house.
The Weasel was caught hiding the food and eating it himself. By doing
these kinds of things and many other things from odd fellow things
to very serious criminal acts against people right there on
Government House Grounds The Weasel did prove to a lot of people
who were sincere about running The Government House Job properly
that he, The Weasel, could not be trusted or used properly on the
job in any way
Also The Weasel did have access to Government House when no-one else did
and he would roam all over Government House very peculiarly at all times.
This access to The House is looked at very seriously because if you are looking
seriously at solving these cases you have to look for who could have been at
these cases and The Weasel is one person who definitly could have been at these
cases and that comes from him having access to The House. When he had this
access to The House i do not know. This has always been and remained a
mystery to me
and get this right now right here
5. because of The Weasels wife being allowed to cook in one of
Government Houses kitchens where the boxed up bodies could have
been delivered to and recieved at into Government House and then
delivered to the basement for burning
6. because The Weasel did have some kind of knowledge about this
going on. This is proven true to me. The Weasel did know something
more about this than other people did know
i think that The Weasel and his wife and their family should be
arrained on a charge suitable for this inhuman criminal offence
people all about Government House and Government House Grounds did
become alerted to this serious burning of human beings into ashes
in Government House furnace room. They did lock all enterances and
barred all entrances like lower windows etc. Unfortunately still
those boxes did come through into Government House. There is only one
place that these boxes could have come into Government House
and that was through the kitchen where culinary goods were carried on
as regular, usual, to be recieved at.
unfortunately this burning of people in Government House did go on
for quite a long time and this was the proven truth
please remember: this burning of human beings in the fiery furnace
did take place in a public building named Goveranment House
now i am going to bring into this terrible case mention of a lot of other
people who could have been involved in this case
the whole murderous lot of them i call The Fat Rich Boys of Victoria
there is a very obvious reason why i call them The Fat Rich Boys of Victoria
and i want you to take note of them right here and remember them
i will give The Fat Rich Boys of Victoria a proper write up in another report
and you will have to read that report to understand why i have called them
The Fat Rich Boys of Victoria, they are very crazy and very murderous
for the rest of my life i will never be able to write them down enough
Readers this report is about Government Employed People who are mainly working in The Victoria Area. This report is definitely about more than just one person. This report is a continuation of the
previous report about The Fiery Furnace.
The Person=Persons ,Clasp=Clasps, of Government House which is located on Rockland Avenue and other Government Buildings that are located through-out Victoria, British Columbia, Canada which does include The Parliament Buildings that are located in the down town area of Victoria.
1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, went to work one day at Government House that is located on Rockland
2. The weather in Victoria was very nice and sunny and a lot of flowers were up a smiling at me.
3. I was at work early and when work hours came along the job foreman called all of us workers
together and "DESIGNATED" each and everyone of us a job to do for the rest of the nice day.
4. My job for the day was to cut and clean the road border of number 2 lawn.
5. Off I went to do my job to "GOD THE LORD JESUS CHRIST" and the foreman.
6. After awhile a very elderly woman who was hired to work on the grounds as well as the men came
to where I was working and started to work along side of me.
7. Whether the woman was supposed to work along side of me or not was the business of the foreman
and the business of the woman.
8. After a little while, and before coffee time, a young man "Ill Known For His Illegal Drug Use" also
came to where I was working and did work along side of me.
9. Whether "The Burned Down Drug Addict" was supposed to work along side of me or not was the
business of the foreman and the business of "The Burned Down Drug Addict".
For protection of the innocent reporter and all other innocent, now enters in The Random House
The word to be looked up in The Random House Dictionary is "brace".
brace: something that holds parts together or in place, as a clasp or clamp.
Readers: Saying it this way. I could call "The Burned Down Drug Addict" whether or not "The
Burned Down Drug Addict" was a male or female does not matter, The Brace of
Government House and all other Government Buildings in Victoria, which does also
include The Parliament Buildings Themselves.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did know that The Brace was once again on "ILLEGAL DRUGS"
and was not working at The Brace's allocated work station. The Brace simply seemed here
on the job but not to do The Brace's Job but simply to enjoy looking at and smelling the
nice flowers and what-ever else The Brace did decide to entertain ones self with that lovely
sunny morning at Government House and all of the other lovely sunny mornings and days
that The Brace showed up for work.
Readers: The Brace did nothing but what The Brace's brainless brain led The Brace about to do.
Readers: The Brace did, accomplish, no work what-so-ever.
Readers: Because of the indifferent manner in which The Brace of Government House did have
about his job and the fact that he would often drive off of the property when he was
supposed to be on the job working The Brace did cause a lot of confusion for everyone.
Readers: The Brace did drive away from his "DESIGNATED" job and literally right out of the
"DESIGNATED" work area with a government truck. I say that this should never have
been allowed to be done.
Readers: People that The Brace was supposed to be working with were abandoned and could not
carry on with their "DESIGNATED" job because at times it took more than one person to
do the "DESIGNATED" job.
Readers: Because The Brace did drive literally away from the job sight completely, brought about
confusion to everybody including the foreman because the truck and the needed equipment
that was carried about in the truck from "DESIGNATED" job to "DESIGNATED" job
was carried away from the "DESIGNATED" job site to who knows where down the road.
Readers: This list of serious on the job trouble making that The Brace of Government House did
cause to take place has no end. The Brace's trouble making goes on and on and could be
written up this way or the other way.
Readers: At any rate. The following trouble making that The Brace of Government House did
commit is what this small report about The Brace's conduct is about.
Readers: Although this report about The Brace=Clamp of Government House is short, which for
certain it is, this small report does have a very big meaning in it.
Readers: Just read on as to what The Brace=The Clasp=The Clamp of Government House did do
when he had the opportune time to destroy the lives of very important Canadian Human
Beings and The Nation of Canada.
The Brace had a girl friend who's name was La-De-Da...
The Brace's brainless brain did illegally drug think "Let Me Once Drug Swing It Up With You".
The Clasp's girl friend did live in Vancouver.
The Clamp did use illegal drugs on himself and on his girlfriend.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that this was very bad to do. In Canada this is classed as a criminal act, offence.
Readers: Did you know? that The Brace's girl friend had a sister named La-De-Da-Da...
The Brace's brainless brain did illegally drug think "Let Me Twice Drug Swing It Up With
Readers: The Brace of Government House did illegally drug The Sister Named La-De-Da-Da... and
did drug it up with her in his brainless brain for quite some time
Readers: The length of time that The Brace of Government House did drug The Sister named
La-De-Da-Da... was a long enough period of time to ruin The Sister La-De-Da-Da's brain. I
do not know exactly how long a time it was.
Readers: After The Brace of Government House had used The Sister La-De-Da-Da... a whole lot
sexually he then threw The Sister named La-De-Da-Da... away from himself as though she
were a torn up into bits junk heap and drove away from her imagining his crazy brainless
brain life away.
Readers: It was known that The Brace of Government House was finding it hard to hold a steady job
because of his illegal drug habit.
Readers: Just one other scene that The Brace of Government House was involved with right to the
full extent of it was, "HE THE BRACE OF GOVERNMENT HOUSE" would fly in an
airplane to The Islands of Hawaii and participate in the following Show-man-ship Public
Readers: What The Brace of Government House would do is he would use illegal drugs and then with
others like himself literally jump off of "AT LEAST 300 FOOT CLIFFS INTO THE
Readers: This jumping off of cliffs was something that was done by certain Hawaiian People.
Readers: The Brace of Government House thought that this was A Tremendous Event and in his
brainless brain did take illegal drugs until he did talk himself into jumping off of the same
cliffs that The Hawaiian's Jumped Off Of.
Readers: Now that these things have been said I will get on with The Brace of Government House's
Mane Scene Event.
Readers: The things that I have just written for you to read are just to get you warmed up for The
Grand Finally of what The Brace of Government House really did do and what People Like
The Brace of Government House really do get themselves involved with when they have
been allowed to use criminal drugs like The Brace of Government House has been allowed
to use and still does use.
Readers: Here we go!...
1. One day when I, Murray S. Fenwick, was "DESIGNATED" the job of cutting and cleaning up the
borders of number 2 lawn and "The Girl" worker came to work with me and then The Brace of
Government House, for what-ever-reason, came to work with me as well The Brace of
Government House did say publicly the following statement=statements.
2. The Brace of Government House did talk quite openly and a lot about the time=times that he had
illegally drugged his girl friend's sister into sleeping with him and having sexual relationships with
3. The sister named La-De-Da-Da... was literally a young attractive virgin girl who stayed at home all
of the time.
4. The Brace of Government House did gain access to sister La-De-Da-Da... through her own sister
named sister La-De-Da...
5. This horrifying scene that The Brace of Government House did make by criminally attacking both
of these two attractive sisters took place between Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia,
Readers: At least for this short report right here these two locations do stand out predominant in this
terrible story and can most successfully be placed into this report as I have put them into it.
Sure I do believe that there are other places in and out of The Province of British Columbia
that were locations for The Brace's criminal activity in this particular case but for this, my
report, right here I do believe that the names of these two predominant places are all that is
necessary to get a proper investigation under way against The Brace of Government House,
Rockland Avenue, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
6. What The Brace of Government House did talk to me and the woman worker about this sunny day
and for about the next 4 or 5 days is the following.
7. The Brace of Government House did tell the woman worker and myself all about his attack against
sister La-De-Da-Da...
Readers: I am always putting in here into this report the woman worker being present with me when
The Brace of Government House did talk a whole lot about his criminal assault of sister
La-De-Da-Da... because the woman worker is definitely a very good witness against The
Brace of Government House along with myself. This witness idea right here of mine always
did stand up in my, Own Down Mind About This Case, as something that cannot be over
looked in a real court case that could and should be brought against The Brace of
Government House for his criminal assault of sister La-De-Da-Da...
Readers: Now enters another person into this illegal drug assault case that happened to sister
La-De-Da-Da... who did become directly related to sister La-De-Da-Da...
Readers: This other person who now enters this criminal picture is very important in Canadian
History and therefore this report, in my mind, has to be written up into The Internet of the
whole wide world.
Readers: Hopefully The Canadian People will charge The Brace of Government House for his
terrible offensive crime that he did commit here.
Readers: This very serious criminal offence did take place right in Government House, on Rockland
Avenue, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did report this case before, at about the time that The Brace of
Government House did talk loudly about his, this, criminal offense.
Readers: What happened in this criminal relationship=relationships that The Brace of Government
House did bring to pass is the following.
I. Because of sister La-De-Da-Da's... past drug induced relationship with The Brace of Government
House and by her being the blood sister of her own sister La-De-Da... the drug attacked sister
named La-De-Da-Da... was at times visiting her sister La-De-Da... in and about Government
House and The Parliament Building and buildings in Vancouver and in the places through-out the
rest of The Province of British Columbia, Canada.
2. Because sister was now allowed to visit her friends in Government House she was in Government
House when she met the man who did become important in Canadian History.
Readers: It is going to be very shocking to you who the man was that became important in Canadian
History that sister La-De-Da-Da... did meet.
Readers: I ask you to sit back in your chair and hold on for this one. That is the naming of the person
who sister La-De-Da-Da... did meet in Government house.
Readers: This naming of this person who became important in Canadian History and by the facts that
are provable did take place against him will answer some very hard questions to answer in
our, that is your's and my own mind, about the poor quality of this man's abilities of
the running of The Country of Canada.
Readers: Here it is. This is the name of that criminally attacked man. Did you Readers know that
the man who did make important Canadian History was none other than The Then Present
In Office In Ottawa Parliament Buildings The Prime Minister Of Canada "HIMSELF". The
Prime Minister "HIMSELF" did get introduced to sister La-De-Da-Da... right in
Government House, on Rockland Avenue, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
1. When The Brace of Government House saw this acquaintance start up he immediately moved in on
The Prime Minister with all illegal drug attack in his brainless brain. The Brace of Government
House had all drug attack against The Prime Minister of Canada loaded up into his brainless brain
like a vicious loaded gun. The Brace of Government House wanted to kill The Prime Minister of
Canada and or at least down him seriously by illegally drug attacking The Prime Minister.
Readers: This is just how deadly dangerous this situation did instantly become.
2. The Brace of Government House, through his past illegal drug sex attack relationship with sister
La-De-Da-Da... did gain access to close quarters meetings with The Prime Minister "HIMSELF".
3. After The Prime Minister of Canada was with sister La-De-Da-Da for awhile He thought that she
would make Him a good wife.
Readers: It was not long before The Prime Minister of Canada got married to sister La-De-Da-Da.
Readers: Now in the shadows of these "Two People" The Brace of Government House
remained a hidden insane "Brainless Brain" Factor of very potential serious trouble making.
Readers: Now this trouble making of The Brace of Government House spread itself out from the
total illegal drug destruction of sister La-De-Da-Da to the total illegal drug destruction of
The Prime Minister of Canada.
Readers: The illegal drug destruction of sister La-De-Da-Da did take place and had taken place
before she had ever met The Prime Minister of Canada.
Readers: The Brace then did attack The Prime Minister of Canada with illegal drugs and did ruin
Readers: This illegal drug destruction of The Prime Minister of Canada who is The First Man In
Canada, and the illegal drug destruction of The Prime Minister's New Wife who is The First
Lady In Canada can be proven out very easily very conclusively.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did try to bring this whole illegal drug assault case against The Prime
Minister and against The Prime Minister's Wife into A Supreme Court Case in Canada
before and my case was turned down by none other than, I Say, The Low Down Luetenant
Governor of Canada, Him, The Dirty Despicable Man Himself!
Readers: The Brace's illegal drug attack against The Prime Minister of Canada and against
The Prime Minister's New Bride did ruin those two people.
Readers: Those two ruined people in their very big job position being none other than The
Prime Minister of Canada did then ruin their own job which was so very big that it did
ruin all of Canada.
Readers: The illegal drug attacked ruined Prime Minister and His wife La-De-Da-Da then had a
family of ruined drug addicts and it took a lot of ruining to do this but this ruined drugged
family that The Brace of Government House did shadow about did ruin also The Gold
Economy of Canada.
Readers: There are a whole lot of people in Canada and in other nations who will read this report
with great interest because that particular Prime Minister and His Family were well liked
through-out The World in General and a lot of people always wanted to know just what it
was that went wrong with, for, them and Their Country and for Their Countries Gold
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does still believe that The Brace of Government House should be
brought to proper Canada Supreme Court Case Trial for his illegally attacking The Prime
Minister of Canada.
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