Friday, 20 June 2014

#116. The Great Big Steel Steal!

This report is about "The Unlawful Theft" of the metal steel that is taking place in Canada.

1. One day The Second World War began. Anno Domini 1940's or when-ever The Second World
    War really did begin in Europe.
2. The Axis Countries had been buying up all the metal scrap yards in the country of Canada and also
    other countries.
3. The Axis Countries needed metals of all descriptions for their Second World War Effort.
4. The Axis Countries did go all over the world buying scrap metal and re-refining them into bright
    new metals for Their Second World War Effort.
5. The owners of scrap metal yards were asked by concerned countrymen not to sell any scrap metal
    to The Axis Countries but "The Metal Money Munger Scrap Metal People" sold off all of the scrap
    metal anyways.
6. As The Second World War wore on Allied Countries did get very short of metals for Their Second
    World War Effort against The Axis.
7. This shortage of proper metals for The Second World War Effort in The Allied Countries became
8. This shortage of metals in The Allied Countries brought about a change in the materials used to
    build war ships with.
9. People started using cement to built War Ships out of instead of New Bright Steel.

Readers unfortunately for the troops being transported from Canada to The Second World War
Campaign in Europe The New Cement Ships did not with stand the hard North Atlantic Ocean Storms. The New Cement Ships did sink in those North Atlantic Storms.

10. A lot of The Nice New Cement Ships did sink in those North Atlantic Storms.
11. Each ship that sank that was classed as A Troop Carrier lost about 10,000 men plus all
      individual equipment that each man had carried by himself onto The Nice New Cement Ship.
12. The New Cement Ships that sank that were carrying all kinds of War Goods lost thousands of
      tons of Those Much Needed War Goods.

Readers we will now focus our attention on The Labrador Act Of Treason Against The Canadian
Military And Against The Canadian Government.

I. One day in The Province Of Newfoundland, Labrador, The Royal Canadian Air Force went out for
    another flight in their aircraft.
2. The Royal Canadian Air Force kept a very lively vigil in Labrador against The Enemy Axis from
    from invading Our Land Canada.
3. This time though a young man, "MALE" pilot did have for some reason a very capable gyger
    counter set up in the reconassence air plane.

Readers "THIS STORY OF TREASON IN LABRADOR" goes like this.

4. After say about half of the reconnasence air flight was over the giger counter started to ring quite
5. The man "MALE" pilot took careful notes where the giger counter did ring out at.
6. After the reconnasence flight was over the man "MALE" pilot decided to keep "Sneakily Silent"
    about the giger counter ring.
7. The man "MALE" pilot decided to return at a later date to the location of the giger counter ring out
    and investigate what the giger counter ringing was all about.
8. The man "MALE" pilot got personally involved in acquiring a possible "MINE STRIKE".
9. The man "MALE" pilot did not report this giger counter ring out to his Superior Officer who was
    waiting on The Royal Canadian Air Force Base Airplane Runway for the man's "MALE" pilots
    return and the giger counters much needed information.

Readers the man "MALE" pilot did remain silent for the rest of The Second World War.

1. Remember Readers there was much need of metals during The Second World War.
2. After the man "MALE" pilot was released from duty from serving in The Royal Canadian Air
    Force he went directly back to the giger counter ring out and found a huge steel mine.
3. He went to the government in Ottawa and claimed that he was an honest miner and that he did
    "JUST FIND" a steel mine by prospecting in the areas of Labrador.
4. The bad man laid dishonest claim to that steel mine and has worked it ever since.

Readers I, Murray S. Fenwick, has served in Three different Armies and I personally call that man
"MALE" pilot a man who has committed TREASON AGAINST THE ALLIED NATIONS.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, says that "YOU" man "MALE" pilot have to be picked up by the proper
authorities and dealt with for COMMITING THAT TREASONOUS ACT.

Why to think that you let all of those innocent troops die in the cold North Atlantic Ocean
because you have an illegal interest in somehow stealing a steel mine.