Some Points Of Interest In His Life.
When I was 21 years of age I was actively involved in an amateur weight lifting meet in The Victoria
Young Women's Christian Association and Young Men's Christian Association that was located at
851 Broughton Street, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada,V8W-1E5. This Y. building was a brand new building at the time that I was a member in the year of 1968.
1. This weight lifting meet took place about the year 1968.
2. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was a member of The Y. at the time.
Readers Beware!
Some of the athletic coaches in The United Kingdom are very well trained to do their job. All of The Y's Coaches that did oversee this particular weight lifting meet were authentic amateur coaches who
were licensed to coach Olympic Wrestling, Olympic Gymnastics, Olympic Weight Lifting and what-
ever else needed a coach around The Y. at that time.
3. I was asked by at least 5 of these Y. Coaches to compete in "This Amateur Power Weight Lifting
4. I was right in The Y. when one of the main gyms on the main floor was set up for this specific
weight lifting event.
5. The gym used was the gym on your right when you faced both gyms that were located on the main
floor of The Y.
6. The Y. Coaches were busy for several days setting up for "This Power Weight Lifting Meet".
7. The Y. Coaches did set up a nice platform to lift weights on.
8. The Y. Coaches did put good barbells on that platform.
Get This Readers!
The brand new and very hard to get "Spring Scale" now enters this specific weight lifting picture here.
9. The Y. Coaches put barbells as well as a very hard to get brand new "Spring Scale" on to the
weight lifting platform. The brand new "Spring Scale" was from the nation of Russia or Poland
or some place like that.
10. The brand new "Spring Scale" was designed for the power weight lifting event called "The Dead
11. It came to be my turn to do "The Dead Lift". At the command of The Y Coach I went up on to
the lifting platform.
12. I, Murray S. Fenwick, did decide to make my "Dead Lift" with this brand new "Spring Scale".
I decided to try out the brand new "Spring Scale" that was very much chased after and thought
to be such a weight lifting prize because it was so very hard to get from Russia or Poland or some
other country.
Whether the competitor used the standard barbells or the brand new "Spring Scale" to do their "Dead
Lift" with was left up to them. Both pieces of equipment were accepted in The Y. by The Licensed
Coaches in The Y. as authentic.
13. I, Murray S. Fenwick, picked up "The Spring Scale Handle" and adjusted my position and stood
ready for the Y's Coaches command to lift the weight.
14. Then all of The Y's Coaches gathered around and watched as to how much weight I was going
to lift on this brand new "Spring Scale".
15. The Y's Coach said to me to lift "The Spring Scale" now and I did.
16. Up and up I lifted "The Spring Scale".
17. All of The Y's Coaches were very surprised as to how much weight I did lift on that brand new
"Spring Scale".
18. All of The Y's Coaches very carefully took a turn to look at the amount of weight that I lifted on
that "Spring Scale".
19. I was told by The Y's Coach who was commanding my lifting to hold "The Spring Scale" as
steady and as best that I could at the highest spot on "The Spring Scale" that I could lift "The
Spring Scale" to and to hold it at that position.
20. I obeyed The Y's Coach.
21. At least 5 Y. Licensed Coaches did study very carefully my highest holding position on the
brand new "Spring Scale" that was designed for "The Dead Lift" event.
22. I was then ordered by The Y's Commanding Coach to lower the weight down.
After a short time it was decided by the Y's Coaches, at least 5 of them, that I did lift 1166-1169
pounds on the brand new "Spring Scale".
Readers Take Note!
The "Spring Scale" was brand new.
In The United Kingdom "Spring Scales" are accepted as legal weigh scales and are sold all over the
countries of The United Kingdom for the measuring out of goods sold through different kinds of
Therefore The United Kingdom does accept "The Spring Scale" as accurately made for the job of
"Power Weight Lifting" with.
My, Murray S. Fenwick's, power weight lifting at this Y. Weight Lifting Meet did set a new world
My, Murray S. Fenwick's, new world record that I set at this Y. Power Lifting Meet has never been
A word to the wise.
The coaches present and the specific coach who did command me, Murray S. Fenwick, at this weight
lifting meet were so very hard on me, Murray S. Fenwick, about lifting the weight properly and holding the weight in the proper lifted position for a specified period of time that he had a very hard
time doing exactly what the command coach did demand out of him. I, Murray S. Fenwick, had to
hold the weight in the lifted position for quite some time in order to please the coach commanding me. Those coaches were so very hard on me that I almost broke my back right out but I did make this
world record lift.
Those 5 Y. Coaches were very careful about what they did note in their note books there on the lifting platform and did carefully enter my world record into The Coaches Books. Then The 5 Y
Coaches did enter my new world record into The Y.W.C.A.-Y.M.C.A. record books which were
at this time kept in the desk drawer of The Head Y. Coach in His desk in His office in The Y.
The numerals 1166-1169 on "The Spring Scale" that I used to lift this "Dead Lift" world record with
are very easy to make a mistake with when the weight lifter is having a hard time holding such a heavy weight in the proper lifted position and the needle indicator on "The Spring Scale" tends to
vibrate a little. This fact is understood by The Y. Coaches and my new world record was written
down in The Y. books of records accurately enough.
The Y. Coaches were very careful to make proper notes about the weights used and the weights
lifted at these kind of Y. weight lifting events.
Also The Y. Coaches were very careful in weighing a weight lifter himself-herself on a very accurate
weigh scale that they had in The Y.
My own weight when I was weighed in for this weight lifting event was I weighed under 149 pounds.
I am not very small.
I am not very big.
I am about middle sized.
In height I am about 5'8" tall.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
#97. The Amateur Weight Lifter Murray S. Fenwick. 2.
Some Points Of Interest In His Life.
1. When my family moved to British Columbia, Canada they decided to live in The Very Beautiful
City Of Victoria for awhile.
2. After we lived in Victoria for awhile we then moved out to the end of The Saanitch Peninsula to a
small town named Sidney.
3. My family built a house their to live in.
4. I was allotted a small end of a wood working shop that had been built by my step father
to keep his wood working tools in etc. that was located in the back of the town building lot where
the main house had been built. My step father built a wall to separate my small end from his wood
working shop.
5. The size of my end of the wood working shop was about 5 feet by 8 feet.
6. I immediately set up my own little gym in this tiny little area.
7. I immediately started to exercise in my little gym.
8. This time I added a punching bag called a speed bag and a heavy bag that increased my knowledge
of exercising a little.
9. When I was 15 years of age I got my mom to buy me my first barbell dumbbell free weight set.
10. I started exercising with weights and made quick gains in strength.
Readers Beware!
Unfortunatly the little town of Sidney was murder crazy like Stouffville had been. I suggest that my
readers do read right now my article called The Swimmers Gang and my othert Blogg postings called
Old Sidney Something Or Other to understand my position of danger in the community of Little Old
Sidney By The sea.
11. The first thing that Little Old Sidney did do was it murdered one of my sisters.
12. In similar fashion as to what happened to me in Stouffville the same thing did happen to me in
Little Old Sidney By The Sea.
13. Because of The Town Of Sidney's bad murder conduct I was once again forced indoors. I could
not go about the town of Sidney very much. There was to much trouble of murder in the town. I
might have gotten myself killed.
14. I was forced by the town of Sidney to stay in my own little gym and exercise all of the time.
15. I made strength alright.
16. I soon became the strongest teenager in the town.
There is a space left blank here because I spent some time in The Canadian Army. This time that I
spent in The Canadian Army is covered in my blog under the title of My Army Life.
17. I carried on exercising and lifting weights through My Army Life.
18. When I was 18 I was back at home in Little Old Sidney By The Sea and out back in my gym
weight training again.
When I was 17 or 18 I broke The World Record for The Power Lifting Event called The Bench Press.
There came a day when I wanted to bench press a new world record.
I had to get my old wheel barrow out and load it up 3 times and wheel all of my weights including
my barbell bar quite a distance away from where I lived. What I had in mind is I got the idea of weight lifting against the new world record underneath the car port that belonged to an older man in
town. The reason for this is he owned a really big old time brass fish scale that was still licensed for
public use. I thought that I could weigh the bench press weights up on that particular beam scale after I had bench pressed them in order that everything was done legally as right as I could do it. It took me 3 and 1/2 days to wheel barrow my weights over to that guys house. The older man who did own
that brass fish scale was an athlete himself. There actually was no better place in town for me to try
to break the bench press world record than on his property so off I went.
Word got around the little town of Sidney that small Murray was over at you know whos house and is
going to attempt to set a new world record for the bench press in the power lifting event. All the guys
in town showed up and stood on the older mans property and off of his property and hid amongst the
trees etc. etc. and etc. Because of the nature of this town people started to shove one another around
and punch one another. This got to be quite a ruff scene.
I finally got the older mans home made bench that he used for bench pressing on. The older man was
quite a lot bigger than I was therefore his bench was far to far off of the ground for me to use. My feet could not even touch the ground. My legs just hung off of the end of the bench like dangling wet
noodles. At any rate the supports for the barbell bar itself were my own and I could and I did adjust
them to be just right. I gave up trying to think of how to adjust my leg length and the height of the old
man's bench. I decided to just let my feet hang in mid air off of the end of the bench.
19. I put the barbell in place and then I loaded up the bar.
20. The existing and new bench press record was 350 pounds.
21. I planned to lift 350 pounds to equal the existing world record and then put about 5 pounds more
onto the barbell in order to set a new world record.
22. I planned to beat the existing bench press world record and then return and set an all new much
higher world record at a later date but fairly soon.
23. "BUT?" when I warmed up I thought that I could lift a lot more than I planned to lift.
24. Therefore I approached the barbell bar and loaded it up to about 450 pounds.
25. I then laid myself right down underneath the barbell bar and did prepare my mind by quite
positive thinking to make this bench press lift go right for myself.
26. When I was lieing down underneath the barbell bar preparing myself to make this new world
record bench press an old friend of mine who was on the lifting platform with me did adjust
the barbell weight without my consent or my knowing that he did adjust that barbell weight.
27. I saw him standing there but I thought that he was going to spot for me.
28. Instead he adjusted the barbell weight by adding on to the barbell the fishing weights that were
made out of grey bricks and held together by strong wire and some more free weights.
29. There was a pair of these home made fishing gray brick fishing weights sitting right there within
easy reach.
30. One gray brick fishing weight weighed 117 pounds.
31. The other gray brick fishing weight weighed 128 pounds.
The barbell now weighed instead of about 450 pounds 720-730 pounds.
This new weight on the barbell bar of 720-730 pounds was not even considered by myself to be a
weight that I would attempt to bench press at this time.
32. Because I did not see the man add those gray brick cement fishing weights onto the barbell bar
I did then adjust myself on the weight lifting bench and did lift the barbell off of the barbell rack
and did hold it at arms length.
33. Then I did a perfect bench press with the barbell bar and all weights attached to the barbell bar.
34. I did expect that this specific barbell bar bench press would be somewhat difficult to do because
of it being a new world record and it was somewhat hard to do but not that hard a bench press to
35. Everything went just right and straight and the barbell balanced right straight right through-out
the entire lift.
36. The barbell bar bench press could not have been done better even my feet felt quite normal from
just hanging off of the end of the high up bench. My legs bent at the knees and my shins and feet
just hung straight down but not able to touch the ground.
After I had placed the barbell back into the barbell rack I began to notice what the Odd Ball Man
had done. I stood up and studied just exactly what That Odd Ball Man had done by over loading
the barbell bar without my knowledge. I had some ruff words with The Odd Ball Man and after
making sure of the amount of weight that I did bench press I walked off home in a very bad attitude
thinking that The Odd Ball Man did try to cut me in half by over loading the barbell bar. That is
exactly what The Odd Ball Man and The Odd People Of Little Old Sidney By The Sea were and still
are like.
Therefore I, Murray S. Fenwick, that day did set a new world bench press record.
The following is what was on the barbell bar.
1. 4-50 pound weights that does add up to 200 pounds.
2. 4-25 pound weights that does add up to 100 pounds.
3. 6-10 pound weights that does add up to 60 pounds.
4. 2-5 pound weights that does add up to 10 pounds.
5. 4-1 1/2 pound weights that does add up to 6 pounds.
6. 1 cement block that weighed 55 pounds.
7. 1 cement block that weighed 50 pounds.
8. 1 gray brick fishing weight with wire that weighed 117 pounds.
9. 1 gray brick fishing weight with wire that weighed 128 pounds.
The total added up weight of all these weights is 726 pounds.
At this time when I was lifting weights I never included in the added up overall weight the weight of
the barbell bar or the weight of the dumbbell bars themselves.
Now pertaining to this world record bench press. The weight of the Joe Weider Barbell Bar
has to be yet added into the overall weight that I, Murray S. Fenwick, did bench press that day.
The Joe Weider Barbell Bar that I used was a Standard One.
The free weights that I used were Standard Ones.
I do not know just how much The Joe Weider Barbell Bar weighed because I never did weigh it.
There were plenty of good weigh scales about Little Old Sidney By The Sea. I weighed myself quite
regularly in my teenage years. When I weighed myself when I did bench press this new world record
bench press lift I weighed under 149 pounds.
1. When my family moved to British Columbia, Canada they decided to live in The Very Beautiful
City Of Victoria for awhile.
2. After we lived in Victoria for awhile we then moved out to the end of The Saanitch Peninsula to a
small town named Sidney.
3. My family built a house their to live in.
4. I was allotted a small end of a wood working shop that had been built by my step father
to keep his wood working tools in etc. that was located in the back of the town building lot where
the main house had been built. My step father built a wall to separate my small end from his wood
working shop.
5. The size of my end of the wood working shop was about 5 feet by 8 feet.
6. I immediately set up my own little gym in this tiny little area.
7. I immediately started to exercise in my little gym.
8. This time I added a punching bag called a speed bag and a heavy bag that increased my knowledge
of exercising a little.
9. When I was 15 years of age I got my mom to buy me my first barbell dumbbell free weight set.
10. I started exercising with weights and made quick gains in strength.
Readers Beware!
Unfortunatly the little town of Sidney was murder crazy like Stouffville had been. I suggest that my
readers do read right now my article called The Swimmers Gang and my othert Blogg postings called
Old Sidney Something Or Other to understand my position of danger in the community of Little Old
Sidney By The sea.
11. The first thing that Little Old Sidney did do was it murdered one of my sisters.
12. In similar fashion as to what happened to me in Stouffville the same thing did happen to me in
Little Old Sidney By The Sea.
13. Because of The Town Of Sidney's bad murder conduct I was once again forced indoors. I could
not go about the town of Sidney very much. There was to much trouble of murder in the town. I
might have gotten myself killed.
14. I was forced by the town of Sidney to stay in my own little gym and exercise all of the time.
15. I made strength alright.
16. I soon became the strongest teenager in the town.
There is a space left blank here because I spent some time in The Canadian Army. This time that I
spent in The Canadian Army is covered in my blog under the title of My Army Life.
17. I carried on exercising and lifting weights through My Army Life.
18. When I was 18 I was back at home in Little Old Sidney By The Sea and out back in my gym
weight training again.
When I was 17 or 18 I broke The World Record for The Power Lifting Event called The Bench Press.
There came a day when I wanted to bench press a new world record.
I had to get my old wheel barrow out and load it up 3 times and wheel all of my weights including
my barbell bar quite a distance away from where I lived. What I had in mind is I got the idea of weight lifting against the new world record underneath the car port that belonged to an older man in
town. The reason for this is he owned a really big old time brass fish scale that was still licensed for
public use. I thought that I could weigh the bench press weights up on that particular beam scale after I had bench pressed them in order that everything was done legally as right as I could do it. It took me 3 and 1/2 days to wheel barrow my weights over to that guys house. The older man who did own
that brass fish scale was an athlete himself. There actually was no better place in town for me to try
to break the bench press world record than on his property so off I went.
Word got around the little town of Sidney that small Murray was over at you know whos house and is
going to attempt to set a new world record for the bench press in the power lifting event. All the guys
in town showed up and stood on the older mans property and off of his property and hid amongst the
trees etc. etc. and etc. Because of the nature of this town people started to shove one another around
and punch one another. This got to be quite a ruff scene.
I finally got the older mans home made bench that he used for bench pressing on. The older man was
quite a lot bigger than I was therefore his bench was far to far off of the ground for me to use. My feet could not even touch the ground. My legs just hung off of the end of the bench like dangling wet
noodles. At any rate the supports for the barbell bar itself were my own and I could and I did adjust
them to be just right. I gave up trying to think of how to adjust my leg length and the height of the old
man's bench. I decided to just let my feet hang in mid air off of the end of the bench.
19. I put the barbell in place and then I loaded up the bar.
20. The existing and new bench press record was 350 pounds.
21. I planned to lift 350 pounds to equal the existing world record and then put about 5 pounds more
onto the barbell in order to set a new world record.
22. I planned to beat the existing bench press world record and then return and set an all new much
higher world record at a later date but fairly soon.
23. "BUT?" when I warmed up I thought that I could lift a lot more than I planned to lift.
24. Therefore I approached the barbell bar and loaded it up to about 450 pounds.
25. I then laid myself right down underneath the barbell bar and did prepare my mind by quite
positive thinking to make this bench press lift go right for myself.
26. When I was lieing down underneath the barbell bar preparing myself to make this new world
record bench press an old friend of mine who was on the lifting platform with me did adjust
the barbell weight without my consent or my knowing that he did adjust that barbell weight.
27. I saw him standing there but I thought that he was going to spot for me.
28. Instead he adjusted the barbell weight by adding on to the barbell the fishing weights that were
made out of grey bricks and held together by strong wire and some more free weights.
29. There was a pair of these home made fishing gray brick fishing weights sitting right there within
easy reach.
30. One gray brick fishing weight weighed 117 pounds.
31. The other gray brick fishing weight weighed 128 pounds.
The barbell now weighed instead of about 450 pounds 720-730 pounds.
This new weight on the barbell bar of 720-730 pounds was not even considered by myself to be a
weight that I would attempt to bench press at this time.
32. Because I did not see the man add those gray brick cement fishing weights onto the barbell bar
I did then adjust myself on the weight lifting bench and did lift the barbell off of the barbell rack
and did hold it at arms length.
33. Then I did a perfect bench press with the barbell bar and all weights attached to the barbell bar.
34. I did expect that this specific barbell bar bench press would be somewhat difficult to do because
of it being a new world record and it was somewhat hard to do but not that hard a bench press to
35. Everything went just right and straight and the barbell balanced right straight right through-out
the entire lift.
36. The barbell bar bench press could not have been done better even my feet felt quite normal from
just hanging off of the end of the high up bench. My legs bent at the knees and my shins and feet
just hung straight down but not able to touch the ground.
After I had placed the barbell back into the barbell rack I began to notice what the Odd Ball Man
had done. I stood up and studied just exactly what That Odd Ball Man had done by over loading
the barbell bar without my knowledge. I had some ruff words with The Odd Ball Man and after
making sure of the amount of weight that I did bench press I walked off home in a very bad attitude
thinking that The Odd Ball Man did try to cut me in half by over loading the barbell bar. That is
exactly what The Odd Ball Man and The Odd People Of Little Old Sidney By The Sea were and still
are like.
Therefore I, Murray S. Fenwick, that day did set a new world bench press record.
The following is what was on the barbell bar.
1. 4-50 pound weights that does add up to 200 pounds.
2. 4-25 pound weights that does add up to 100 pounds.
3. 6-10 pound weights that does add up to 60 pounds.
4. 2-5 pound weights that does add up to 10 pounds.
5. 4-1 1/2 pound weights that does add up to 6 pounds.
6. 1 cement block that weighed 55 pounds.
7. 1 cement block that weighed 50 pounds.
8. 1 gray brick fishing weight with wire that weighed 117 pounds.
9. 1 gray brick fishing weight with wire that weighed 128 pounds.
The total added up weight of all these weights is 726 pounds.
At this time when I was lifting weights I never included in the added up overall weight the weight of
the barbell bar or the weight of the dumbbell bars themselves.
Now pertaining to this world record bench press. The weight of the Joe Weider Barbell Bar
has to be yet added into the overall weight that I, Murray S. Fenwick, did bench press that day.
The Joe Weider Barbell Bar that I used was a Standard One.
The free weights that I used were Standard Ones.
I do not know just how much The Joe Weider Barbell Bar weighed because I never did weigh it.
There were plenty of good weigh scales about Little Old Sidney By The Sea. I weighed myself quite
regularly in my teenage years. When I weighed myself when I did bench press this new world record
bench press lift I weighed under 149 pounds.
#96. The Amateur Weight Lifter Murray S. Fenwick. 1.
Some Points Of Interest In His Life.
1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, began exercising when I was about 11 years of age.
2. I lived in a small town named Stouffville.
3. Stouffville was located in Southern Ontario, Canada.
4. I was quite young and I did not know much about exercising.
5. I simply went looking about old magazines and books that were about the small town to get ideas
that would help me understand exercising.
Readers Beware:
Everybody in the town of Stouffville did some kind of exercising or boxing, or stab your neighbor
with a dagger knife or shoot down the community with guns.
I decided to do just the exercises and stay at home when I did do them. This would keep me out of
the line of real gun fire that always was going to and fro in the town. I did not get involved in real
serious trouble making in the town of Stouffville and I did not go about the town meddling in other
peoples affairs either.
6. I did exercises like push ups.
7. I did exercises like sit ups.
8. I did exercises like chin ups.
9. I did exercises like deep knee bends.
I did enjoy exercising a whole lot.
Then when I was 14 years of age my family decided to move from Stouffville, Ontario, Canada all
the way around the world to the nation of New Zealand. My family drove from Stouffville, Ontario
all the way to The Very Beautiful City Of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and decided to stay in
Victoria for a few months to enjoy the place and then take a ship down to New Zealand. My step
father was a carpenter and he was also a professional deep sea navigator on foreign going ships
out of England. Because he was a navigator at deep sea he might have been also staying in The
Beautiful City Of Victoria for a few months for the weather to change to the better and then we
would be setting sail for New Zealand. It was in the middle of winter time when my family did
arrive in Victoria and my step father's waiting for better summer weather was a good thing to do.
Why my family stayed in Victoria and there abouts is, very soon, after my family arrived in Victoria
my step father was attacked by an illegal drug assailant and was seriously ruined by what the
criminally minded man fed to him. Because my step father's life faltered off over this criminal drug
attack scene that did happen to him it soon became obvious that it was pointless for him to go on to
the nation of New Zealand. My step father was permanently crippled from the drug attack assailant
and thought it better to just move to Little Old Sidney By The Sea and do the best he could do for the
rest of his life. That is exactly how I, Murray S. Fenwick, came to live permanently in British
Columbia, Canada.
1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, began exercising when I was about 11 years of age.
2. I lived in a small town named Stouffville.
3. Stouffville was located in Southern Ontario, Canada.
4. I was quite young and I did not know much about exercising.
5. I simply went looking about old magazines and books that were about the small town to get ideas
that would help me understand exercising.
Readers Beware:
Everybody in the town of Stouffville did some kind of exercising or boxing, or stab your neighbor
with a dagger knife or shoot down the community with guns.
I decided to do just the exercises and stay at home when I did do them. This would keep me out of
the line of real gun fire that always was going to and fro in the town. I did not get involved in real
serious trouble making in the town of Stouffville and I did not go about the town meddling in other
peoples affairs either.
6. I did exercises like push ups.
7. I did exercises like sit ups.
8. I did exercises like chin ups.
9. I did exercises like deep knee bends.
I did enjoy exercising a whole lot.
Then when I was 14 years of age my family decided to move from Stouffville, Ontario, Canada all
the way around the world to the nation of New Zealand. My family drove from Stouffville, Ontario
all the way to The Very Beautiful City Of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and decided to stay in
Victoria for a few months to enjoy the place and then take a ship down to New Zealand. My step
father was a carpenter and he was also a professional deep sea navigator on foreign going ships
out of England. Because he was a navigator at deep sea he might have been also staying in The
Beautiful City Of Victoria for a few months for the weather to change to the better and then we
would be setting sail for New Zealand. It was in the middle of winter time when my family did
arrive in Victoria and my step father's waiting for better summer weather was a good thing to do.
Why my family stayed in Victoria and there abouts is, very soon, after my family arrived in Victoria
my step father was attacked by an illegal drug assailant and was seriously ruined by what the
criminally minded man fed to him. Because my step father's life faltered off over this criminal drug
attack scene that did happen to him it soon became obvious that it was pointless for him to go on to
the nation of New Zealand. My step father was permanently crippled from the drug attack assailant
and thought it better to just move to Little Old Sidney By The Sea and do the best he could do for the
rest of his life. That is exactly how I, Murray S. Fenwick, came to live permanently in British
Columbia, Canada.
Monday, 18 November 2013
#95. The Miserable Musician. Deep Cove To Victoria. 4.
This report is about a similar attack that took place in A Store That Sold Musical Instruments that was located in the same immediate area a The Old Fashioned Book Store.
1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, knew The Music Store myself and would go to it occasionally to do
business with the man who owned the business side of The Store and who was always on The
Music Stores Premisus running The Music Store Itself.
2. When I was investigating the other attacks in The Music Stores immediate area I went into The
Music Store to do some business with them.
3. The man who ran The Music Store immediately talked with me in a very concerned manner about
how his store was broken up badly.
Readers this gets very serious right here.
4. Also The Music Store owners friend was also beaten up very badly.
5. The Music Store owners friend was a man who did run The Music Store for the owner of The
Music Store when the owner of The Music Store was out of The Music Store for some reason.
6. Also some customers who were in The Music Store were beaten somewhat and were pushed
around and about in The Music Store quite badly enough to make serious mention about what did
happen to them.
7. The owner of The Music Store just stepped out for a quick lunch and in walked The Ruff Gang
who did attack everything and everyone in The Music Store.
8. The owner of The Music Store was not touched at all because he was out for lunch when this
attack did happen.
9. The damage to the musical instruments in The Music Store was quite a lot.
10. The owner of The Music Store and his friend and all customers who did come to know about
this attack became very afraid that there would be a recurrence of that attack and that everyone
would get hurt all over again.
11. The owner of The Music Store and his best friend and all customers could not identify anyone
in The Ruff Gang who did make this attack against The Music Store.
Readers Beware:
It was believed about this attacked neighbourhood that one of The Ruff Gang who did attack this
area in general was dressed in a dark proper suite of clothes and did carry with him a full bodied
classical styled guitar. Maybe a folk guitar, but along those lines.
This happened about the year 1967 Anno Domini.
1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, knew The Music Store myself and would go to it occasionally to do
business with the man who owned the business side of The Store and who was always on The
Music Stores Premisus running The Music Store Itself.
2. When I was investigating the other attacks in The Music Stores immediate area I went into The
Music Store to do some business with them.
3. The man who ran The Music Store immediately talked with me in a very concerned manner about
how his store was broken up badly.
Readers this gets very serious right here.
4. Also The Music Store owners friend was also beaten up very badly.
5. The Music Store owners friend was a man who did run The Music Store for the owner of The
Music Store when the owner of The Music Store was out of The Music Store for some reason.
6. Also some customers who were in The Music Store were beaten somewhat and were pushed
around and about in The Music Store quite badly enough to make serious mention about what did
happen to them.
7. The owner of The Music Store just stepped out for a quick lunch and in walked The Ruff Gang
who did attack everything and everyone in The Music Store.
8. The owner of The Music Store was not touched at all because he was out for lunch when this
attack did happen.
9. The damage to the musical instruments in The Music Store was quite a lot.
10. The owner of The Music Store and his friend and all customers who did come to know about
this attack became very afraid that there would be a recurrence of that attack and that everyone
would get hurt all over again.
11. The owner of The Music Store and his best friend and all customers could not identify anyone
in The Ruff Gang who did make this attack against The Music Store.
Readers Beware:
It was believed about this attacked neighbourhood that one of The Ruff Gang who did attack this
area in general was dressed in a dark proper suite of clothes and did carry with him a full bodied
classical styled guitar. Maybe a folk guitar, but along those lines.
This happened about the year 1967 Anno Domini.
Friday, 15 November 2013
#94. The Miserable Musician. Deep Cove To Victoria. 3.
This report is about trouble that did happen at a government building in the same location where The
Old Fashioned Book Store was located.
1. There was a brand new building built by the government to be used for a certain kind of work.
2. Outside of the main doors were a pair of nice statues.
3. The statues were brand new.
4. Some gang of people did go directly to those statues just about the first day that the building
was opened for work and did ruin those statues.
5. People came out of the building and did shout false accusing statements at most everyone on the
main street of Victoria where the statues and the new building were located for ruining the nice
new statues.
6. Quite a large number of people were literally ran, thrown, right out of the immediate community
area where the nice new building and the new statues were located.
7. There was a lot of shout around trouble took place for that ruining of those new statues.
I do know that the gang that did the damage to those nice new statues was never identified or caught
in any way.
The damaging attack against those new statues was done about the same time that The Old Fashioned
Book Store was wrecked.
Readers Beware:
It was believed by this attacked neighbourhood that one of The Ruff Gang who did attack this area
in general was dressed in a dark proper suitge of clothes and did carry with him a full bodied classical
styled guitar. Maybe a folk guitar, but along those lines.
The attacking of those nice knew statues in this generally attacked area of Victoria took place in the
year of 1967 Anno Domini.
This damaging scene took place in the year of 1967 Anno Domini.
Old Fashioned Book Store was located.
1. There was a brand new building built by the government to be used for a certain kind of work.
2. Outside of the main doors were a pair of nice statues.
3. The statues were brand new.
4. Some gang of people did go directly to those statues just about the first day that the building
was opened for work and did ruin those statues.
5. People came out of the building and did shout false accusing statements at most everyone on the
main street of Victoria where the statues and the new building were located for ruining the nice
new statues.
6. Quite a large number of people were literally ran, thrown, right out of the immediate community
area where the nice new building and the new statues were located.
7. There was a lot of shout around trouble took place for that ruining of those new statues.
I do know that the gang that did the damage to those nice new statues was never identified or caught
in any way.
The damaging attack against those new statues was done about the same time that The Old Fashioned
Book Store was wrecked.
Readers Beware:
It was believed by this attacked neighbourhood that one of The Ruff Gang who did attack this area
in general was dressed in a dark proper suitge of clothes and did carry with him a full bodied classical
styled guitar. Maybe a folk guitar, but along those lines.
The attacking of those nice knew statues in this generally attacked area of Victoria took place in the
year of 1967 Anno Domini.
This damaging scene took place in the year of 1967 Anno Domini.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
#93. The Miserable Musician. Deep Cove To Victoria. 2.
This report is about a beating of people in a car lot and the wrecking of cars in the lot itself.
1. This car lot is in the same area as the Old Time Book Store.
2. Some gang of people broke through a properly made gate that had been built across the driveway
that led to the car lot.
3. This car lot was a professional car lot that was designed for the professional sale of automobiles.
4. This car lot also had a very nice in appearance fence around about it.
5. The "BREAKING IN GANG" after they had broken down the gate that led to the car lot then
walked across the car lot and beat up very badly a small set of car attendance people who were
legally on the car lot to sell automobiles and to look after cars and to care take the car lot itself.
6. The "BREAKING IN GANG" then made a lot of damage to a lot of automobiles on the car lot.
7. The "BREAKING IN GANG" then left the car lot behind.
No-one ever knew who the "BREAKING IN GANG" was.
This happened at about the same time as the breaking up of The Old Fashioned Book Store.
Readers Beware:
It was believed by this attacked neighbourhood that one of The Ruff Gang who did attack this area
in general was dressed in a dark proper suite of clothes and did carry with him a full bodied classical
styled guitar. Maybe a folk guitar, but along those lines.
This smashing up of the attendants and the automobiles and gate that led to the car lot took place
about the year 1967 Anno Domini.
P.S. It is possibly the truth that attendants who were looking after the car lot were murdered by
The Ruff Gang when The Ruff Gang illegally entered the car parking lot and had this terrible
fight with them.
1. This car lot is in the same area as the Old Time Book Store.
2. Some gang of people broke through a properly made gate that had been built across the driveway
that led to the car lot.
3. This car lot was a professional car lot that was designed for the professional sale of automobiles.
4. This car lot also had a very nice in appearance fence around about it.
5. The "BREAKING IN GANG" after they had broken down the gate that led to the car lot then
walked across the car lot and beat up very badly a small set of car attendance people who were
legally on the car lot to sell automobiles and to look after cars and to care take the car lot itself.
6. The "BREAKING IN GANG" then made a lot of damage to a lot of automobiles on the car lot.
7. The "BREAKING IN GANG" then left the car lot behind.
No-one ever knew who the "BREAKING IN GANG" was.
This happened at about the same time as the breaking up of The Old Fashioned Book Store.
Readers Beware:
It was believed by this attacked neighbourhood that one of The Ruff Gang who did attack this area
in general was dressed in a dark proper suite of clothes and did carry with him a full bodied classical
styled guitar. Maybe a folk guitar, but along those lines.
This smashing up of the attendants and the automobiles and gate that led to the car lot took place
about the year 1967 Anno Domini.
P.S. It is possibly the truth that attendants who were looking after the car lot were murdered by
The Ruff Gang when The Ruff Gang illegally entered the car parking lot and had this terrible
fight with them.
#92. The Miserable Musician. Deep Cove To Victoria. 1.
This report is about a terribly wrong scene that did happen in Victoria in a book store.
1. One day I, Murray S. Fenwick, was walking up Fort Street away from the centre of town.
2. I stopped and talked with some people who were in front of A Nice Old Styled Book Store.
3. The people were concerned about what had happened in The Book Store. Something had been
done wrong here in The Book.
4. I talked with my friends and after they had gone there way I went into The Nice Old Styled Book
Store and made my inquirey.
5. I went right to The Book Store owner and asked him what had happened in His Nice Old
Fashioned Styled Book Store.
6. The Book Store owner told me that a couple of people came into His Book Store and started to be
roudy and then do damage to His Nice Old Fashioned Book Store.
7. When the owner of The Book Store asked them to stop their trouble making one of the pair went to
the store front window and signaled to other people to come into The Book Store and join them.
8. All of a sudden quite a large gang of maybe 12 people were in The Old Fashioned Styled Book
Maybe more than 12 maybe less than 12. But there was a lot of them.
9. This large group of people joined together in doing damage to The Old Styled Book Store.
10. Then this quite large gang beat up the man who did own The Nice Old Styled Book Store.
11. The Book Store owner was pushed around quite a lot.
12. The Book Store Owner then had his arm or both of his arms bent up his back and bent to the
point of really hurting him.
13. The Book Store Owner then was pushed into a corner of the store and soundly beaten up quite
14. The store was generally thrown about as trash that does appear at times in our own back alley
15. The gang threw liquid cupped coffee about The Old Fashioned Book Store which did ruin quite
a lot of his book stocks.
It took The Book Store Owner quite a few weeks to clean up and correct this damage as best he could
that the rough gang had done to His Nice Old Fashioned Book Store.
It also took quite a few months for The Owner Of This Nice Quaint Old Fashioned Styled Book Store
to recover from the beating that he was given by the gang.
The owner of The Old Fashioned Book Store never could identify any of The Ruff Gang.
Readers Beware:
It was believed by this attacked nerghbourhood that one of The Ruff Gang who did attack this area
in general was dressed in a dark proper suite of clothes and did carry with him a full bodied classical
styled guitar. Maybe a folk guitar, but along those lines.
This happened about I967 Anno Domini.
1. One day I, Murray S. Fenwick, was walking up Fort Street away from the centre of town.
2. I stopped and talked with some people who were in front of A Nice Old Styled Book Store.
3. The people were concerned about what had happened in The Book Store. Something had been
done wrong here in The Book.
4. I talked with my friends and after they had gone there way I went into The Nice Old Styled Book
Store and made my inquirey.
5. I went right to The Book Store owner and asked him what had happened in His Nice Old
Fashioned Styled Book Store.
6. The Book Store owner told me that a couple of people came into His Book Store and started to be
roudy and then do damage to His Nice Old Fashioned Book Store.
7. When the owner of The Book Store asked them to stop their trouble making one of the pair went to
the store front window and signaled to other people to come into The Book Store and join them.
8. All of a sudden quite a large gang of maybe 12 people were in The Old Fashioned Styled Book
Maybe more than 12 maybe less than 12. But there was a lot of them.
9. This large group of people joined together in doing damage to The Old Styled Book Store.
10. Then this quite large gang beat up the man who did own The Nice Old Styled Book Store.
11. The Book Store owner was pushed around quite a lot.
12. The Book Store Owner then had his arm or both of his arms bent up his back and bent to the
point of really hurting him.
13. The Book Store Owner then was pushed into a corner of the store and soundly beaten up quite
14. The store was generally thrown about as trash that does appear at times in our own back alley
15. The gang threw liquid cupped coffee about The Old Fashioned Book Store which did ruin quite
a lot of his book stocks.
It took The Book Store Owner quite a few weeks to clean up and correct this damage as best he could
that the rough gang had done to His Nice Old Fashioned Book Store.
It also took quite a few months for The Owner Of This Nice Quaint Old Fashioned Styled Book Store
to recover from the beating that he was given by the gang.
The owner of The Old Fashioned Book Store never could identify any of The Ruff Gang.
Readers Beware:
It was believed by this attacked nerghbourhood that one of The Ruff Gang who did attack this area
in general was dressed in a dark proper suite of clothes and did carry with him a full bodied classical
styled guitar. Maybe a folk guitar, but along those lines.
This happened about I967 Anno Domini.
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